Daily Tarotscopes – September 11, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – September 11, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Monday, September 11, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: The Lovers

Here we are, Aries. The Lovers tarot card brings up your romantic life, and while you adore being in love, you don’t wan to lose yourself or your independence.

Today, you could feel slightly smothered by someone’s attention, and your reaction could be a fear response. Instead of imagining the fastest ticket out of dodge, think about what’s going on in your heart. You can have the best of both worlds, someone who is fond of you and space when you need it.


Tarot card: The High Priestess

When it comes to confidence, your photo is next to the word in the dictionary. You have high self-esteem, and when it comes to listening and trusting your instincts, you always do.

So, when you get the High Priestess tarot card in a reading it’s confirmation of what you already know. You are here to be a leader, and to be brave and strong. You may not ‘want’ to spearhead projects or take a lead role, but regardless, it’s your lot in life.


Tarot card: Strength

There are two ways to get work done: brawn or brains. You choose the latter of the two options, and that’s because you’re eternally curious and always looking for answers.

Today you are confronted with a mysterious problem that needs to be solved. You may think about doing everything on your own, to save some coin, but leaving it to the experts can be a smart move. So today you’ll choose that route.


Tarot card: The Devil

You are such a sweet soul, so when you are around people doing things you used to do, but quit, it’s so tempting to say yes to make them feel comfortable.

The thing is in your heart, you know that’s not a smart move. It puts you in a situation, and you worked so hard to stop and step away from temptation altogether. Today, you may feel pushed to do things that you don’t want to do anymore, but stand your ground. You’ll feel better about your decisions.


Tarot card: Justice

Can you imagine yourself living in a perfect world? There is one area of life that you’d fix right away, and that is karma paying up for the things that don’t make sense or wrongdoing caused by others.

Today, your perception of fairness and what is good comes into play. You are the first person who will want to right a wrong or try to make something better than it is right now.


Tarot card: The Hierophant

You like to do things by the book, and today you’re straight-laced ways will lean you toward being rigid or resistant to change.

The problem with problems is that they often seem to have only one way to solve them, but there may be all sorts of alternative solutions that you can consider. So try to be open-minded today. You may be surprised by what comes to you.


Tarot card: Death

It’s over. You may be struggling to find the words to let someone know you’re no longer in love or that you don’t want to be in a relationship any longer. It takes a lot of courage to say you don’t feel the same anymore. But not saying it can be even more hurtful, so it’s best to be honest.


Tarot card: The Sun

You don’t have to change to make others happy. The Sun tarot card is a great sign to let you know you’re perfect as you are. Even on days when you feel like you aren’t good enough, what you do shines brightly for the world to see. You’re an inspiration to all, Scorpio.


Tarot card: Two of Wands

You’re such an ambitious type. No matter what’s happening in life, you never want to become complacent or not have some type of goal to aim toward. Now that you have a vision for the future, you need to plan for it. Explore all the options available to you; write them down and aim to reach your goal.


Tarot card: The World

You’re a shooting star, Capricorn. So many people find excuses. You’re the type of person that looks for solutions. This tarot card indicates that you are going to reach the epoch of success in your career. If you weren’t doing so well in the past, it’s going to be as if those moments helped to build you to where you are now. Your past won’t hold you back from the future you’re destined to experience.


Tarot card: The Moon

Today’s perfect for watching your favorite science fiction movies or getting lost in a good book. Your mind is eager for a sweet escape from the world. This tarot card is saying for you to step out of reality and concrete thinking; allow yourself to get creative and lost in an alternate reality for a little while.


Tarot card: The Chariot

You have a lot of restraint and self-control which is why this tarot card is so good for you. You may be at a crossroads where you need to decide if it’s better to resign from a job or stay to see if things get better. This card indicates that staying a bit longer will help you to see things become less stressful. You may even get a promotion or raise for your hard work, effort, and loyalty.


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