Daily Tarotscopes – September 13, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – September 13, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Wednesday, September 13, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot card: Five of Pentacles

Oops. This tarot card may find you just in time or right after you’ve hit the “buy now” button. Today, before you fill an online shopping cart with all the things you want to have, you might want to double-check to see if you already have it at home or picked the right size. You don’t want to waste your time or money on getting something you don’t need.


Tarot card: Six of Wands

Rainbows and sunshine, Taurus. Here’s a card that brings all the good vibes with it. You’re starting a new chapter in your life and it can feel like you’re reconnecting with your inner child all at the same time.

This moment is meant for you to shine and feel a type of happiness you’ve not had in a while. You may wonder if this feeling will last. Maybe it won’t and maybe it will! But for now, enjoy what you’re doing with an open heart.


Tarot card: Three of Swords

You’ve felt suspicious about someone’s intentions and today those feelings may be confirmed. This is a tarot card that’s a bit painful to draw, and it could mean being stabbed in the back by a good friend, family member, or lover.

Today, you may think someone is doing you wrong, or your person is cheating. You might be ready to break up based on this tarot card reading alone but don’t. Yes, this could be a confirmation, and one that involves a sad situation but stay logical and focused. Facts are still much better than a hunch. Try to find out more to support your feelings. This card is only one slice of the big pie.


Tarot card: The Moon

This little tarot card is about deception, and hiding the truth. While no one wants to be a liar or hang out with one, it’s a good one to get just before you have a meeting or need to talk to a person about a problem.

You want to be the person who is associated with facts. The Moon tarot card helps you to avoid saying something that is untrue without realizing it until after the words are spoken, and someone else calls you on it.

You could speak from the heart, but get lost in your feelings. Remember feelings are valid, but they do change, and they are often based on the past instead of the current or future. It’s always better to have your facts in place so you speak from solid ground. Verify what you know to be true and not a hunch.


Tarot card: Four of Wands

Success doesn’t just happen overnight, but it is a series of choices and habits that are built upon each other to create a result that makes you happy (and hopefully) some money. The Four of Wands is an invitation to look at what’s working and what’s not.

Is it time to reinvent the wheel where you see problems causing you to lose time or money? If you’re planning to take a job that involves managing others, this is a wonderful card to get. You’ll be successful, especially if you put a plan in place and follow it without wavering.


Tarot card: The Tower

This card means sudden trouble, but having a problem can be a blessing in disguise. You can go your whole life not realizing something is wrong all because the reality of the situation never reveals itself.

So today when chaos hits, realize it’s in your best interest to view the moment as a lesson and an opportunity. You get to fix what was broken and repair it in such a way that you are stronger and more fortified in that area of your life.


Tarot card: Two of Cups

Balance is a word you’re all too familiar with, and so when you get a card that’s about two people giving to each other and caring for one another in equal measure, you understand the meaning deeply.

Today, life gets busy. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the things you need to do each and every day and forget that you are a person who needs a hug and a little bit of love. This tarot card indicates that you may be able to get your needs met by the one you’re with; initiate a conversation and see where things go.


Tarot card: Ace of Cups

You are powerful, and you are good at making change happen when you set your mind to it. You like it when life turns lucky, and you’ve got a lucky card today. Ace of Cups means you’re feeling pretty good about how things are going.

You have the right attitude, and as a result, the entire world responds to you in like manner. Today’s Ace of Cups is a good omen — you can trust your intuition — and believe in yourself.


Tarot card: Seven of Swords

Well, if this tarot card is correct, someone you know is trying to be sneaky. Their behavior may be as inert as hiding snacks and not sharing them with you or it can be a big deal like having money hidden while being financially unfaithful.

Overall, it’s best not to be suspicious of others, but it’s also unwise to be so trusting that you are vulnerable and easily taken advantage of. Today, keep your heart open but also stay aware. It’s good to be a wise person who is tuned into every aspect of your life.


Tarot card: Nine of Pentacles

Money can be one of the root causes of so many problems today, and if you’re asked to lend money to a friend, it could lead to a headache. Your partner may not agree with your decision to share your family’s resources. Friends may disagree because you’re potentially enabling someone. Overall, you can expect to experience problems caused by people who disagree with a choice you make. This card is a warning, try to limit your involvement in situations where there’s gossip or scandal.


Tarot card: Eight of Pentacles

This tarot card means hard work when you’re starting a new job or learning a skill you can monetize later. Today, it’s just you and the process. You might not mind working with a supervisor who signs off on your work or being in a position where you have a lot of knowledge but no real opportunity to shine. Today’s made for patience and to learn all you can. Soon, you’ll go from student to the expert in the room.


Tarot card: Eight of Swords

Wow, you’re going to have a busy day today. So before you plan to order a hot espresso for the road, you’ll want to remember that you have choices. You can decide how to spend your time. While it feels that others are dictating your schedule, you still have the opportunity to talk to supervisors and ask for what you feel is a fair work schedule.


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