Full Moon in Leo Horoscopes – 16 February, 2022

Full Moon in Leo Horoscopes – 16 February, 2022

If your love life has felt frustratingly quiet so far this year, you’re far from alone. 2022 kicked off with Venus, the planet of romance, in full-blown retrograde, making it more challenging to enjoy much forward movement in regard to pursuits of pleasure and matters of the heart. Thankfully, it went direct on January 29, and as we come up on February’s fiery full moon in Leo, the relationship-ruling planet has a starring role that could turn everything around.

This lunar event, exact at 11:56 a.m. ET/8:56 a.m. PT on Wednesday, February 16, serves as a passionate culmination point during which you’ll want to get in tune with your desires and express them in a more confident, creative way. In other words, forget the fact that Valentine’s Day falls on a truly unromantic Monday this year, because the sexiest sparks could fly mid-week.

The full moon in Leo spotlights love, pleasure, and self-expression.

Full moons — which happen when the confident sun exactly opposes the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to wrap up projects you started six months or even two weeks prior. They’re culmination points, breaking points, and a chance to release anything that’s no longer serving you. And with this month’s full moon falling in confident, fun-loving, and big-hearted Leo, you can expect to feel more exuberant, empowered, and optimistic. And because the sign of the Lion is also the ruler of the fifth house of romance and self-expression, you can expect both of those themes to feature prominently as well.

Because the moon will be directly opposite from the sun in Aquarius, we’ll also be driven to think about the juxtaposition between what’s best for the greater good and our community (the Water Bearer’s signature terrain) versus what we want for ourselves (Leo’s M.O.).

Full Moon Horoscopes