Gemini 2020 July Monthly Horoscope

Gemini 2020 July Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF JUL 2020: The full moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 4 can cast an unwelcome shadow on your mood. You want to be out having a good time, but the current world situation is holding you back. Maybe once you take care of your nagging responsibilities, you’ll be able to find a way to have some fun.

A Chiron retrograde period starts on the eleventh, bringing up the chance for deep inner reflection. Look for signs that you’re on the right path, and don’t cast aside coincidences as meaningless! When you’re offered an opportunity to make things better in the future than they were in the past, jump on it, Gemini. If you’ve ever felt victimized, this is your time to take back your power.

Quick-thinking Mercury goes direct while in Cancer on July 12, opening back up the lines of communication between you and someone you’ve recently lost touch with or argued with. The Crab offers an eager sense of intuitive energy that can help you find the necessary words to patch things up between the two of you.

There’s a confusing Mercury-Jupiter opposition on the thirtieth that could cause you to be overly optimistic about something that you heard or read, and it doesn’t help that the people around you might encourage you to overreact or embellish facts and details. Try not to believe the information you get from a third party until you verify it with the source.