Leo 2021 Horoscope

Leo 2021 Horoscope

This is a huge year for your exuberant sign Leo! There’s so much going on that it’s often difficult to keep track of all of the wonderful goodies in store for your Leo sign! An essential part of this year is also learning to let go and surrender to the unknown.

The theme for your fire sign is to have the patience, knowing that everything will end exactly how it’s supposed to be! With that in mind, you will be faced with incredible tests of faith in 2021 that will amaze you how amazing it is to be yourself! There will be some emotional tests and energetic changes, but with your imperious presence you will be able to handle anything with ease.

The year begins with a strong square in mid-January between Jupiter in your counter sign Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, creating a challenging T-square energy on your chart. This is not the easiest configuration to handle and requires extreme self-care in many circumstances.

This T-square affects all areas of your life and is also brought back to Uranus in Taurus with Saturn in Aquarian Square, which includes a cosmic influence from mid-February, mid-June and late December. These are periods of time when you are exposed to a lot of internal and external friction and in many cases can be some sort of straw breaking your back on the camel in terms of your career, relationships and public life.

Lastly, this year’s lunar eclipses will also trigger some major cycles that will highlight your personal zones of self-expression, professional relationships, and community development in May, June, November, and December.
