New Moon & Eclipse In Scorpio Horoscopes – October 25, 2022

New Moon & Eclipse In Scorpio Horoscopes – October 25, 2022

If you thought Halloween was the only spooky event going down this season, then you clearly haven’t checked up on your astrological calendar. The new moon on Oct. 25 is also a powerful solar eclipse — meaning that eclipse season is back in town, and we’re in for some intense transformations. The October 2022 new moon solar eclipse is pulling us deep inside our souls and asking us to discover new parts of ourselves. Because of this, you’ll want to know how this lunar event will affect your zodiac sign.

Rising in the dark and mysterious sign of Scorpio just a few days after Scorpio season begins, this new moon eclipse is plunging us deep into the oceans of our emotions and asking us to connect with things that lie beneath the surface of ourselves. Solar eclipses in astrology tend to bring about sudden new beginnings or unexpected news, and this one is no exception. But with Scorpio’s zodiac energy at the helm, expect to be tapping into your intuitive spidey senses and unearthing buried desires — or developing new ones entirely.

At the time of the eclipse, the sun and moon will be conjoining with the value-oriented planet Venus, which could bring matters of love, relationships, and self-worth into the mix, too. The things we take pleasure and find meaning in are undergoing a transformation, and this could result in a new set of personal priorities. It may feel like the tectonic plates within your soul are shifting now, causing earthquakes and heartaches galore — but don’t be afraid to plunge into the cracks. Magical opportunities could be waiting for you in those uncharted waters and shadowy sidelines.

This lunation is bringing big transformational energy for all zodiac signs, so read on for your October 2022 new moon solar eclipse horoscope.

New Moon Horoscopes



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