Pisces May 2022 Horoscope

Pisces May 2022 Horoscope

Taurus season is usually a pretty socially vibrant time for you, thanks to the vitality-bringing sun’s trip through your communication zone. But you could be downright drained as a result of the eclipses happening there and, this month, on May 15, in your higher-learning sector. It might feel like you’re in the midst of a metamorphosis, as you’re rethinking your long-term goals, big picture perspective, and life philosophy, which, while ultimately gratifying, could also feel overwhelming — especially given how sensitive you are to intense energy. You can cope by stepping back to focus on artistic projects or other activities you value, whether that’s your favorite mind-body routine or tradition you share with loved ones.

In fact, you might be inspired to honor your roots and slow down with family from May 10 to 22, thanks to messenger Mercury moving backward through your home zone, which could be a pretty sleepy transit. Once it moves backward through your communication zone from the 22nd to June 3, technical glitchiness could abound, so don’t hesitate to take plenty of time-outs. If anyone deserves — and would benefit — more naps, daydreams, and carefree time with the people you love the most this month, it’s you, Pisces. And around May 30, when the new moon falls in your home zone, you’ll have a chance to truly reimagine your inner world.