Sagittarius December 2018 Horoscope

Sagittarius December 2018 Horoscope

MONTH OF DEC 2018: When your ruler Venus starts spending time in passionate Scorpio on December 2, your love life intensifies. Your commitment level is higher than usual, and if you’re single, you might be thinking of settling down. Your observational skills are on point, allowing you to gather important information about whatever (or whomever) you’re pursuing.

The new moon in your free-spirited sign on the seventh allows room for expansion and growth, and it’s important not to limit yourself in any way. If you don’t fully immerse yourself in whatever you’re doing, you’re missing the point of the entire experience.

A Venus-Saturn sextile on December 16 brings out your desire for platonic companionship. Spending time with a friend you haven’t seen in a while or a relative you’ve been missing fills a void that romantic love can’t.

The Mercury-Neptune square on the twenty-fourth reminds you to stick to the basics when communicating because anything you try to do to go above and beyond could backfire. This isn’t the time to go to extremes, Sagittarius. Say what’s on your mind, but let your actions do most of the talking for you.


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