Sagittarius February 2018 Horoscope

Sagittarius February 2018 Horoscope

Peace and harmony will prevail for you when it comes to home and family matters this month … for the most part. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will slide into your 4th house on February 10 and remains in this part of your chart through March 6. You’ll notice that your relationship with relatives becomes easier during this stretch of time, much more natural and flowing. If there has been any strain between you and someone in your clan, this is a time when you’ll notice it almost melts away. Or maybe what’s really happening is you’re no longer sweating the small stuff. Where you put your attention is where life tends to happen. If you have been placing your attention on what is wrong with your family life, then you’ve been attracting more of what’s wrong. With Venus in Pisces, you’ll start to vibrate towards this mystical level of knowing that once you let go of that tendency, a more fulfilling domestic life truly awaits.

This isn’t to suggest, however, that you blatantly ignore and try to escape from any significant domestic matter that might be going on. It’s more about you surrendering control of the outcome and just making peace with the flow of your current family situation. That alone will bring you greater tranquility. On February 17 when Mars in your sign crashes against Neptune in your 4th house, you’ll truly understand how futile it is to fight against a force you cannot control. Let go or be dragged. You make the choice.

In other news, if you’re in the sales or communications industries, there’s a promising project on the horizon after February 15. A dazzling Solar Eclipse in your message sector will help you initiate anything that has to do with speaking, teaching, writing, or sales. This will be an ideal time to make new agreements, sign contracts, and flesh out any of your brilliant plans for the future.


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