Scorpio 2020 October Monthly Love Horoscope

Scorpio 2020 October Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2020: When your co-ruler Pluto goes direct in structured Capricorn on October 4, you see an opportunity for major romantic growth. Worldwide power struggles are playing out before your eyes on the news and social media, which can cause you to wonder if what you do on a daily basis really makes a difference. The answer, Scorpio, is yes. Don’t give up.

You face setbacks when Mercury goes retrograde on the thirteenth, but because it’s in your sign you have a secret weapon to pull out and use when you need it. Your intuition is still powerful, allowing you to see things other people can’t. Be a guide to help others weather this chaotic Mercury retrograde storm.

The sun enters your strong but silent sign on October 22, and for the next month, you’d much rather let your actions speak louder than your words. You’re an amazing support system for the people who need it, and you still have the inner strength to give yourself pep talks. Others wonder how you do it, but to you, it’s just business as usual.

On October 31, the second full moon of the month is a blue moon, giving you a second chance to let someone go, finally. How much more of a sign do you need?!