Taurus 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

Taurus 2020 June Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2020: You might feel a strong impulse to make a spontaneous change during the full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5, but sudden movements can lead to unwanted consequences during a fire sign lunation. Don’t do anything you can’t reverse or say anything you can’t take back.

There’s a lot of haziness surrounding your love life during the sun-Neptune square on the eleventh, and your strong desire to avoid confrontation doesn’t help things. It’s understandable to not want to face an embarrassing or awkward situation head-on, but totally denying that it exists only makes it worse.

A sensitive solar eclipse in intuitive Cancer on June 20 stops a new relationship in its tracks as you begin to suspect that maybe someone isn’t being honest about something with you. The disappointment you’ll feel if this relationship dissolves will linger for some time, but it’s better to know the truth.

You get another healthy dose of reality when dreamy Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces, the hazy sign it rules, on the twenty-second, because you won’t be able to keep your eyes closed any longer. What you see might surprise you, but the picture that’s revealed isn’t necessarily bad. Give yourself some time to adjust to this new perspective.