Uranus Retrograde Horoscopes – August 24, 2022

Uranus Retrograde Horoscopes – August 24, 2022

Innovative Uranus, known for ruling over all things paradigm-busting, has recently been making cosmic waves. At the start of the month, it met up in the sky with action-oriented Mars and the fated north node in the exact same degree of Taurus, pushing us all to shake up the status quo. Now, the planet is poised to double down on that change-focused energy. On August 24, Uranus goes retrograde for its yearly backspin, where it’ll remain until January 22, 2023. This time, the movement could feel particularly powerful, encouraging an abrupt release of old habits.
“Uranus is the planetary revolutionary, rebel, and the ‘Great Awakener,’ showing us the progress and possibility ahead if we choose a new path,” says astrologer Madi Murphy, co-founder of spiritual wellness platform CosmicRx. Because it’s one of the generational (rather than personal) planets, its effect tends to be collective in nature, driving large-scale change. But that certainly doesn’t mean you won’t feel its energetic vibe in your own personal way.

When Uranus stations retrograde, its energy is particularly potent. “Like an alarm clock, Uranus in retrograde could jolt you out of your sleep, causing you to wake up to a new reality and release anything in your life that may no longer be authentic or supportive,” says Murphy. “Wherever things feel stagnant or stuck in a rut, Uranus could deliver a surprise or plot twist.”

Uranus Retrograde Horoscopes