Use This Once A Week And Make Your Face Look 10 Years Younger

Use This Once A Week And Make Your Face Look 10 Years Younger

The flavors of rice, which are frequently used in kitchens, are not limited to making the dishes delicious and satisfying. Did you know that rice will also provide solutions to many skin problems? It is possible to make a wonderful skin care mask with rice very easily. When you learn about this very special brass mask and try it once, you will not be able to give up again.

How to Make a Brass Mask?

First of all, make sure that the rice you will use is organic, otherwise you may damage your skin. Whatever rice mask recipe will be passed; Put a cup of rice in a bowl. Then add enough water to pass the rice over 2 cm. Stir well for the starch of rice to appear.

Wait 5 minutes for starch to show up well. Then pour the starchy water you obtained into another container. After waiting for 5 minutes, some of the starch will settle to the bottom. Take the water accumulated on top. Wait another 5 minutes and take the remaining water again. Repeat this process 3 or 4 times until you have moist starches. Apply the moist starch you obtained to your cleansed skin. If you wish, it can stay on your face all night. If desired, wash and dry when dry. With this mask, you will have a cleaner and brighter skin.

Benefits of the Brass Mask

The rice mask whitens the skin and helps to remove the brown spots on the face. With this mask, which also acts as a peeling, your skin will be purified from dead skin. Besides, it gives softness to the skin while cleaning the pores.

The brass mask, which is also effective in shrinking the enlarged pores, cleanses the skin from bacteria and thus the skin gets a firmer and younger appearance. It also prevents the formation of blackheads and pimples, which is a common skin problem, and is effective in removing existing redness. A good sunscreen, the rice mask gives the skin a healthy look.
Although the benefits of rice were first discovered in the far east, the whole world continues to learn quickly the beauty-adding effects of rice. Because of all these benefits, it is being used more and more every day and adds beauty to beauties.
