Virgo August 2018 Horoscope

Virgo August 2018 Horoscope

You seem to be re-evaluating everything when it comes to your physical and mental health. It’s as if you’re in the process of a major awakening in this area of your life. You know that if your inner foundation of personal wellness isn’t solid, there is no way for you to accomplish anything in the outer world. And so, you’re ready to make significant changes.

Mentally, there might be a breakthrough. Mercury is retrograde in your private 12th house until August 19, which is helping you release old, unhealthy patterns of anxiety or other mental tension. A Solar Eclipse in this same area of your chart on August 11 will help invite a new way of thinking — one that serves you well and builds your confidence rather than tears it down. When it comes to self-worth patterns and your overall self-esteem, the most significant awakening you’ll likely have this month is that you have been your own worst enemy. By allowing other people’s opinions of you or unhealthy actions toward you define your worth, you have given away your power. In the end, you are the one responsible for your own happiness — not anyone else. In August you are truly learning this valuable life lesson.

In terms of your physical health, with Mars continuing to travel retrograde in your 6th House of Health and Routine, it’s clear that you have lost a bit of your mojo when it comes to diet and fitness. You’ll find that this “meh” attitude will be replaced with more vigor and commitment after August 27 when Mars turns direct. It’s possible that your body just needs a break and a reset. If so, go with it. You will not only get back on track health wise, but you’ll change up your routine in a way that ultimately improves your health even more.

When it comes to your love life, it is quite possible that an ex-lover will try to come back between August 12-27. You might even entertain a one-night stand with this person if you’re single. A Full Moon in your partnership sector on August 26 will lead to an emotional turning point in your relationship if you are taken. Most likely, it will be positive and fulfilling. Feelings are easily expressed at this time.


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