Virgo January 2022 Horoscope

Virgo January 2022 Horoscope

During this first month of 2022, Virgo, the emphasis is on self-expression, creativity, and romance. The sun here until Jan. 19 inspires you to promote your talents and see where this takes you.

Venus in her retrograde phase could find you doubting yourself at times and suffering from imposter syndrome. Don’t let this eat away at you. Dare to put yourself out there regardless, and you’ll soon find you have many admirers.

The new moon in Capricorn on the second can hint at a new beginning, and it could come out of the blue. If you sense that this would work for you, then go with it. Avoid any actions based on impulse, but do tinker with ideas that are fresh and innovative because they could work out well for you.

You might need to pace yourself as messenger Mercury, your ruler, turns retrograde in Aquarius on Jan. 14. Routines could be disrupted and delays might occur. Preparing for this in advance will help you tremendously.

The seventeenth could coincide with a celebration or other social event that might be a touch emotional—in a good way. The full moon in Cancer on this day could ramp up feelings, and these might guide any decisions you need to make.

Are you ready to give your routines and lifestyle a makeover? The sun’s move into Aquarius on Jan. 19 can kick-start this process and encourage you to do things differently. What do you really want to accomplish? This is a good opportunity to organize your time so you can achieve it.

Creativity and romance get a boost as fiery Mars moves into Capricorn on the twenty-fourth for a stay of six weeks or so. You might be ready to put more effort into a romance, creative opportunity, or a skill you want to perfect. You’ll be in an ambitious mood, too, and this will intensify your determination to get what you want.