Weekly Horoscope Overview – May 17 – 23

Aries Weekly Horoscope
Aries, this week, you are probably clear about a financial objective. You can get to your destination.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of money, making a trine to Pluto in your house of career. Powerful energies are at work today, and you have the ability to guide these energies in a chosen direction. You may have an opportunity to speak to a supervisor about adjusting your pay or taking on a role with more responsibility.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini makes a conjunction to the North Node in your house of communication. Aries, you’re likely letting others know exactly what you want. Don’t hold back, and don’t try to be modest. You may not get everything this very minute, but you will plant a seed for something to grow abundantly in the future.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Taurus, you are standing your ground over a matter of principle. This week, you’re true to yourself.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus (happy birthday!) making a trine to Pluto at the top of your chart. Today, you may be privy to the inner workings of your company. This can help you make a decision about where to put your energy in the next few months. You may have a desire to move to another position. But this week is not a time for abrupt activity.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini makes a conjunction to the North Node in your house of money. You can manifest some extra cash at this time. Someone may pay what they owe you, or you could sell something at a good price. You can ask for a raise or find a profitable side gig. You can also manifest a physical object for a price that impresses your friends.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
This week, you can tell truth from fiction. Gemini, an offer you receive may just be smoke and mirrors.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus making a trine to Pluto in your house of resources from others. Today, you are able to mobilize resources for your benefit. You can get loans, scholarships, or grants. This is a perfect day to do the application, even if the final decision comes weeks later. Focus on getting things submitted today.
On the same day, Venus, in your own sign of Gemini, makes a conjunction with the North Node in your house of self-interest. The North Node represents your life path, and right now, your charisma is high. You are attracting people to you who could be helpful, including potential friendships and possibly love.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
This week, someone wants to put you in a leadership position. Cancer, you can do the job. The question is, do you want the job?
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of friendships, making a trine to Pluto in your house of relationships. Today, an acquaintance could become much, much more. You may have felt an attraction to this person, and now they may be free to date, or you are now available. This is a good time to connect and have a conversation.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini forms a conjunction with the North Node in your house of rest. Today’s a good day to take the day off, sleep in and stay in your pajamas all day. Or you might nap in a hammock in your backyard. Turn off your devices and allow your mind to wander. And when your mind is at rest, the Universe will send you inspiration and messages.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
Leo, a creative idea could improve your daily life considerably. This week, it’s time to implement your plan.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus in your house of career, making a trine to Pluto in your house of work. Today it’s highly beneficial to automate or streamline your work. Leo, this may mean setting up spreadsheet macros or integrating a pay-wall into your website.
At the same time, Venus in Gemini makes a conjunction to the North Node in your house of the future. Today, if you share your plans with your friends, you can find a lot of encouragement and support for the direction you want to go. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to build a business or find a camping spot at Glacier National Park, today friends will step up to help you.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Virgo, there are big plans in the works. This week, you can see your life change directions.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus shining at the top of your chart and making a trine to Pluto in your house of risk-taking and romance. Today, your charisma is glowing, and you are like a love magnet, which could lead to some sexy fun. If you’re already in a love relationship, phone the babysitter and sync up your schedules so you can have some alone time together.
At the same time, Venus in Gemini forms a conjunction. with the North Node in your house of career. When it rains, it pours. So not only are you attracting love, but you are also potentially attracting favorable notice from a supervisor. This is a good time to ask about a raise or promotion. Virgo, you can also ask for assistance on a project you’re not enjoying. You may be assigned some help, or you may get out of doing the assignment altogether.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
This week, benefits roll in connected to your home or family. Libra, open your arms to receive.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of money-received, making a trine to Pluto in your house of family. Today, you may have a breakthrough with the family business, or you could receive something of value from a relative. And while this may be actual cash, it also could be valuable investment advice from a savvy stock picking oracle.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini makes a conjunction with the North Node in your house of knowledge and wisdom. You may be toying with the idea of going back to school when the new semester starts. Libra, you might be looking at doing an application or filling out financial aid forms. This is a good time to schedule standardized tests. You can also talk to family members about supporting your decision.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
This week, someone you know comes clean, and the truth is revealed. Scorpio, your excellent deductive abilities win out again.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of partnerships, making a trine to Pluto in your house of communication. You are a powerful motivational speaker today. You can speak to potential mentors or collaborate with an influencer. You may import your vision of the future to friends and family. You can find followers on social media.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini forms a conjunction with the North Node in your house of financial security. Scorpio, you can combine your great speaking ability today with a request for remuneration. This is a good day to announce that you’re raising your prices. Consider asking for a raise at your job. If you’re making a large purchase, your negotiating skills are excellent right now.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Sagittarius, a windfall is possible this week as you move in the direction of financial gain.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of work, making a trine to Pluto in your house of money. Today, you may feel overwhelming determination to make more money. And by focusing on this energy, you can plant seeds that start to manifest in just a few weeks. Your entire attitude toward finances could change today, helping prosperity flow in.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini forms a conjunction with the North Node in your house of relationships. It’s possible you discover that your partner is completely on board with your financial plans. They are willing to be frugal to save up to buy a house or are OK with living off of rice and beans so the two of you can pay off debt more quickly. Today, you are on the same page.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Capricorn, a time of researching and investigating is over. This week, consider launching the project.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of fun and romance, making a trine to Pluto in your house of confidence. If you’re looking for love, this is an excellent day for getting yourself online or starting a conversation with someone who has “winked” at you. But this also could be a day where you have decided that you don’t need anyone. You are happy being single, and you’re ready to explore more about being good to you.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini makes a conjunction with the North Node in your house of routines. It’s good to look at the things you do each day and see if these habits support your well-being. Healthy eating, meditation, journaling, or morning pages can all help you learn more about yourself and boost your self-esteem. Today, you might take some steps to add these to your daily schedule.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
This week, you have more power to control your circumstances than you think. Aquarius, reframe your thinking.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of family, making a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. You may have an epiphany today, and this could end up involving many members of the family. You could be talking about a big move or a change of career. Thankfully today, you can be a very compelling orator.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini forms a conjunction with the North Node in your house of fun and risk-taking. You may be looking for a little excitement in your life. You might want to do something that is outside the family norm. As you take this road less traveled, you’ll find support from some unexpected sources. There are people who believe in you and who think this is a good idea.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
This week, you could connect with someone of importance. Pisces, you could gain help from a mentor or authority figure.
The week begins on Monday, May 17, with the sun in Taurus, in your house of communication, making a trine to Pluto in your house of community. You may be asked to step up and contribute your talents and abilities to a group you belong to. It might be a church group, charitable organization, or a professional networking group. And this could mean you are nominated for a position of power like treasurer of the organization (a position generally shunned by many). This is a way to connect more deeply to the community and to help your corner of the world.
On the same day, Venus in Gemini forms a conjunction with the North Node in your house of home and family. It’s possible you’re preparing for a celebration. It could be a graduation, retirement party, or maybe your sweetheart is moving in with you. As you get everything ready, you might be smiling ear to ear. Perhaps you didn’t think this day would happen, and now it’s here.