Weekly Horoscope Overview – November 1-7

Aries Weekly Horoscope
This week, focus on what’s important. Aries, don’t let frustrations cloud your judgment.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of relationships, making a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius in your house of friendships. You and a good friend may discover you want a much deeper relationship. You have been relying on each other for some time, and now you know you can trust each other. This is developing into a true friendship.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of resources, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of communication. This is a challenging aspect for scheduling doctor appointments or doing financial applications. Aries, you can easily get your wires crossed and end up feeling very frustrated.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
This week, other people are your mirror. Taurus, you can gain many insights as you look outward.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of work, making a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius in your house of career. Today, you can make an extraordinary business connection. You could launch a business or get a new job. You might reach out to someone through a professional website like LinkedIn or upload your resume to Indeed.com. The stars are aligning in your favor for a promotion or new opportunity.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of relationships, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of self-worth. Taurus, other people are your mirror today. These may be people you look up to and aspire to be. If not, you may need to rethink some of your friendships.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
This week, there are romantic possibilities. Gemini, you could get carried away.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of romance, making a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius in your house of adventure. This is a “runaway to Las Vegas with a person you just met” sort of aspect. Gemini, this is like a romantic song with you dancing in the rain. This is an aspect where you text all night, tell all your secrets, and wake up in the morning smiling. There are numerous possibilities for today.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of work, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your own sign of Gemini. There’s a little disconnect between how you think something should be done and how other people want to do it. Gemini, if this is part of your job, things could get a little sticky today. However, if you’re the boss, you may be able to guide people in the right direction.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
This week, you’re getting your groove back. Cancer, there are romantic possibilities.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of home and family, making a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius in your house of resources. Today, the family could come together in love and support, bringing a smile to your face. This could be the day that your kid puts the dishes in the dishwasher without you asking. Your husband might clean out the cat box. Somebody has folded the laundry. Cancer, this could be an amazing day.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of romance and risk-taking, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of liaisons. Cancer, you and your sweetheart might want to sneak off to a restaurant you’ve never been to before. You might want to have dinner by candlelight. Do some slow dancing to a jazz band. And finish off by staying the night at a hotel just for the fun of it.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
This week, you may have to adjust your plans. And, Leo, roaring like a lion is not going to help.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of communication, making a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius in your house of relationships. Today, you can get your message across to the person you’re dating. You let them know your intentions, your future plans, and how you feel about them. Leo, an open discussion ends well when information is exchanged on both sides.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of home and family, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of friendships. A friend may ask you if they can stay at your place. But maybe your place is small or your guest room is a mess. Compromises will be needed on both sides. Leo, think things through before you say “yes.”
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
This week, check twice before pressing “send.” Virgo, you’re always careful but today, be extra careful.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of money, making a trine to Jupiter in Aquarius in your house of work. Virgo, you may receive a windfall today. This can be money from work you did previously or a raise that finally shows up on your paycheck. You may get a check or some settlement from a class-action lawsuit you didn’t know you were in.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of communication, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of career. Be extra careful with your communication today, especially sending texts or emails. Virgo, make sure you know who you’re sending a message to before pushing that “send” button. It is also equally possible that you will be the recipient of a communication that was not intended for you, and this could give you some valuable information.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
This week, financial opportunities are fleeting. Libra, think conservatively to gain liberally.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury, in your own sign of Libra and in your house of confidence, making a trine to Jupiter in your house of romance. You and your sweetheart could have a sensual and romantic time today. Libra, it would be good to get a sitter for the kids and have some alone time for yourselves. If you’re looking for love, this is an excellent time to start a conversation with an attractive stranger.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of money, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of beliefs. Today, you may recognize that you have a money block. Libra, this could be connected to lessons you learned when you were growing up about scarcity and hard work being connected to money. Today, you can unravel this knot and free yourself to welcome more prosperity.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
This week you are magnetic. Scorpio, you are attracting opportunities and interesting people.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of intuition, making a trine to Jupiter in your house of home and family. Today, you’re in sync with your kids and your partner. Even extended family members seem to be easier to get along with today. You can help quell arguments and see what’s bothering someone before they’re even sure of it themselves. This is an excellent time to interact and find out what’s going on behind the scenes.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars, in your own sign of Scorpio and in your house of confidence, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of resources. Today, you may be disappointed by someone. A promise could be broken. This may be a minor inconvenience, such as a friend who does not show up on time or backs out at the last minute. Overall, Scorpio, this is an irritation, and the Universe is asking you to go with the flow.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
This week, your popularity increases. Sagittarius, you’re on everyone’s wish list.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of friendships, making a trine to Jupiter in your house of communication. Today, your phone could be buzzing with invitations. You may hear from friends who are local and out of town. Sagittarius, you might be planning some holiday get-togethers and sending out invitations.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of secrets, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of relationships. You might enter into a clandestine connection. Sagittarius, you could have a secret romance brewing as you sneak off to a dark restaurant where you can talk in private. If you’re already in a love relationship, you may reveal some secret fantasies you have to your partner and explore romance in a different way.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
This week, you’re standing at the door to opportunity. Capricorn say, “Open sesame.”
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of career, making a trine to Jupiter in your house of money. Today make an appointment with your boss to ask for a raise. If you can’t see the boss, send an email setting up a time to talk about your future with the company. Capricorn, if you’re looking for a new job, this is an excellent day to post your resume or to have a job interview.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of friendships, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of work. Capricorn, there may be some scheduling issues today. You might be called into work when you had promised a friend you were going to help them move. Or you get caught up in work and are late for a dinner party. Keep your eye on the clock and set a ping reminder for yourself.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
This week, you are attracting a lot of attention. Aquarius, the spotlight is on you.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of synchronicity, making a trine to Jupiter in your own sign of Aquarius. Today, you can get your way. Aquarius, you can meet with an individual and find a connection. They see the benefits in helping you. Have your list of wants handy and set as many meetings for today as possible.
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of career, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of romance. Today, you might have romantic thoughts about a coworker. Or the energy is flipped, and you are being pursued by someone you work with. But there’s a bumpy road ahead for this relationship. Aquarius, it would be better to keep it in the friend zone.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Pisces, this week’s success comes when you follow the signs.
The week begins on Monday, November 1, with Mercury in Libra, in your house of resources, making a trine to Jupiter in your house of angelic protection. Pisces, this is a great time to ask for a raise, apply for a loan, or ask your best friend to take you to the airport even though you have a 5 AM flight. You’re likely to get a “yes.”
On Tuesday, November 2, there are two aspects. Mars in Scorpio, in your house of travel, makes an inconjunct to the North Node in your house of home and family. You may be planning a trip, but there are some logistical issues. This might boil down to who’s going to watch the new puppy. Pisces, there will have to be some compromises on both sides, but if you’re willing to negotiate, something can be worked out.