Weekly Love Horoscope Aug 26 – Sep 1

Aries Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: What does your family know about romance? Well, a lot, actually. They might not be the first people you’d think to ask for advice, but consider doing so on Monday. They would probably be flattered by your interest in their perspective. Then, Tuesday and Wednesday, you’re going to learn a few new things on your own. Yup! They’re great, very romantic days that most likely end with smooching. Wow. Thursday, Friday and Saturday return you to the ordinary world — working, exercising, errands — but a cute phone call on Sunday to you-know-who would go over smashingly.
Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: Thursday, Friday and Saturday — fun days already, generally speaking — have the added magic of being particularly romantic. Monday? Not so much. (It’s not a bad day — you’ll probably eat some delicious things and have fun in social settings. It’s just not romantic.) Tuesday and Wednesday are outright annoying, featuring encounters with people who want things they aren’t able to articulate. But Thursday, Friday and Saturday are very different. Blossoms figure in the stars, which is appropriate for the time of year, but it’s also appropriate metaphorically. On Sunday, you have a spring in your step.
Gemini Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: The end of this week — Sunday to be exact — is romantic. Sunday is a blast. Sunday gives you the opportunity to focus exclusively on you-know-who, and when you focus on someone, you dazzle like no one else can. Put all your eggs into the basket that is Sunday, because the rest of the week is kind of generic. Monday is a classic Monday — hazy, stressful. Tuesday and Wednesday are fun enough, crowded with like-minded people, and you get good ideas. But nothing happens that has the frisson of love. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are bogged down by family. But then there’s Sunday — wonderful, action-packed, heart-fluttering Sunday!
Cancer Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: Though you’re not particularly disposed to romance this week, Monday is a perfect day for new beginnings. So, if you’re single, it’s time to flirt with you-know-who. It’s a good day to be assertive. Tuesday and Wednesday find you making a purchase with the future in mind — possibly by yourself, possibly with someone (a romantic partner?). Thursday, Friday and Saturday are more ideal for cleaning the house than for painting the town, but cleaning the house can be fun (in a dorky way). Sunday is less fun. The house may be clean, but something’s out of order. You’ll figure it out.
Leo Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: If you’re single, this isn’t the week that’s going to change that (except maybe on Sunday). But if you already have someone special, this week is bliss. Monday is sweet and calming, the kind of day when you feel like sitting in a tree with someone and drinking tea. Tuesday and Wednesday you’re glowing from within. Everyone is showering you with praise. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are mundane by comparison — you’re surrounded by yellow pads full of scribbling about the future, financial projections… stuff like that. Sunday is straight out of a romance novel. In a good way.
Virgo Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: You have a talent for doing things on your own and doing them better than someone with an army of assistants could do. But not on Monday. You could use a couple of assistants on Monday. Or at least a few friends, standing on the sidelines, giving you advice. It’s not a particularly romantic week, but if you get done what you hope to, you’re going to become practically famous, which could bode well for your romantic future. It’s true that your happiness often directly corresponds to the extent to which people want to be around you. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are particularly happy days.
Libra Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: Yours is not the only sign with a romantic Sunday ahead. People will be falling in love the world over on Sunday. Until then, the prognosis isn’t particularly sizzling. Monday is about seeing to it that current projects at work are on track, and Tuesday and Wednesday are about seeing friends. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, your skills are most needed as a listener. (It’s something you’re good at.) And listening to someone else talk isn’t very demanding, right? Then comes Sunday, which will be demanding in the best ways. Your mouth might get tired from smiling so much. And kissing!
Scorpio Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: Your dreams are hard to fathom on Monday. What could your subconscious be telling you? And what does it have to do with your love life? Good questions. This week offers little in the way of answers. A fight with your boss may well take place on Tuesday or Wednesday, but Thursday, Friday and Saturday are mellow, though not without flashes of excitement. A pal has been keeping something from you and they’re finally going to spill it. Exciting! If you have a secret to confess, now’s the time. Nothing new happens on the romance front on Sunday, but it’s an easy, pleasant day.
Sagittarius Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: It’s entirely possible that you and you-know-who are right for each other, but it doesn’t seem like it on Monday. Mismatched energies are confusing everything. You don’t want to go out… your love interest does… then you both change your minds. Stay in. Tuesday and Wednesday, travel is in the stars. Whether it’s a trip down the highway or through the clouds, it goes well. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, other people are once again making you nuts (even people you love), but on Sunday, you’re reminded of what you see in them.
Capricorn Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: You and you-know-who are in the middle of a disagreement on Monday, and nothing you say seems to make it any better. It’s likely that they’re overreacting; then again, you’re not the best judge. Expect extremes in energy — and almost nothing in the way of romance — on Tuesday and Wednesday. A difference of opinion at work might lead to outright bickering. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the highlight of the week, what with you connecting with old friends and getting tons done, but you probably won’t end up snuggling on the couch with anyone. Sunday is perfect for a fresh new start.
Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: You’re feeling very sensitive on Monday, which isn’t always the best thing when it comes to your romantic life. It can confuse issues. It can create issues where there aren’t any. Stop thinking so much and go where your natural energy leads. Tuesday and Wednesday are relationship-oriented — compromise, flexibility, and extraordinary connections figure strongly. But on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the romantic content of your life is overshadowed by business (or at least financial) matters. Sunday would be a good time to call you-know-who, just to chat.
Pisces Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF AUG 26, 2019: You put on a fun love song — something by the Jackson Five or Van Morrison — and dance around your house in your underwear on Monday. Or at least you do this in your mind. Monday is one of those super-fun romantic days. Tuesday and Wednesday you’re doing more serious forms of exercise than dancing in your underwear (it’s a shame that can’t be your sole way of keeping fit!) but Thursday, Friday and Saturday, you’re not in a very active mood. Your current relationship has hit a snag, and you two have to talk it through. Sunday has you wondering if it’s going to work out.
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