Weekly Love Horoscope Overview – January 18 – 24

Aries Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: The energy may be tense as the week begins. It might feel difficult to keep your focus on one person thanks to the uncertainty of Jupiter in your social eleventh house squaring Uranus. As you spread yourself thin keeping up with the social atmosphere, your partner may feel left out. When the Aries moon squares off with Venus in your authoritative tenth house on January 19, you might be in the mood to argue with your partner and prove that you’re right.
Either way, by the twentieth, you’ll feel inspired to break free of any limiting confines in your relationship as the Mars-Uranus conjunction slams into your second house of values. It might be time to develop a new normal in your love life, and you should try to let go of the drama by January 23, when Venus in your mature tenth house forms a sextile with Neptune in your spiritual twelfth house, encouraging empathy and closure.
However, if you’re single and ready to mingle, you could feel like it’s difficult to meet people by the end of the week. By late Saturday, the sun and Saturn are packed in a tight conjunction in your social eleventh house, revealing that you may not be searching for love in all the right places.
Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: You could be more concerned about your career and personal growth than love as this week begins. After all, you’re still feeling the impact of Jupiter in your tenth house of social status squaring off with Uranus in Taurus. However, as you integrate these career shifts, you might find yourself attracted to a mentor or someone older.
Change is rocking your world this week, especially by January 20, when Mars and Uranus join forces in your first house of the self. This could lead to unexpected separations as you hone in on your independence and break through whatever has been holding you back from self-actualization. However, on the twenty-first, the Taurus moon forms a trine with Venus in your expansive ninth house, reminding you that there are plenty of fish in the sea. If a separation is imminent, it also means that an adventure is about to begin.
You’re taking back control of your life by January 23. The sun-Saturn conjunction in your ambitious tenth house may leave you with a startling realization about what you’re meant to focus on. Perhaps this indicates that now is the time to concentrate on yourself and allow love to find you and unfold around you naturally.
Gemini Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: As the week begins, you may be conflicted about any emotional distance you feel from your partner. On January 19, the moon in your platonic eleventh house squares Venus in your intimate eighth house, leaving an opening for a misunderstanding. It could feel as though someone’s feelings are being left unrequited.
You may receive a boost of intuitive insight by the twentieth, when the Mars-Uranus conjunction lands in your twelfth house of spirituality. A secret could rise to the surface and rock your world while you have a gut feeling that pertains to your love life. The experience could initiate healing within by the next day. It could also give you a deeper understanding of how you can rise from any difficulties in your relationship when the moon in your psychic twelfth house forms a trine with Venus in your eighth house of transformation.
On January 23, the moon enters Gemini and forms a trine with Saturn and Jupiter in your ninth house of wisdom. This might just help you make a mature decision about where your relationship is headed next. On the twenty-fourth, the Gemini moon joins with the north node, leaving you confident that whatever happens is meant to be.
Cancer Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: Your focus on your career could create discord in a relationship as the week begins. On January 19, the moon in your ambitious tenth house forms a square with Venus in your seventh house of partnerships, and workaholic tendencies could leave you feeling unable to properly tend to your relationship.
The social energy you’re immersed in by the twentieth allows you to meet many exciting people thanks to the Mars-Uranus conjunction in your eleventh house of community. If you’re single, you could feel totally inspired by all the minds you’re connecting with. The next day, the moon in your extraverted eleventh house forms a trine with Venus, paving the way for you to deepen your affinity for whomever you click with the most.
January 23 should be romantic because Venus forms a sextile with Neptune in your expansive ninth house, encouraging you to adventure outside your comfort zone. However, this is also when the sun-Saturn conjunction lands in your emotional eighth house, bringing intimacy issues to the surface. Attempt to work through whatever is holding you back from truly letting someone in.
Leo Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: Strange rumors may be swirling around this week, creating discord in your love life. As the week begins, you still feel Jupiter in your partnership sector squaring off with Uranus in your tenth house of reputation, paving the way for shocking news about you or your lover to be unveiled. This news could lead you to question whether you’re on the same page by January 20, when the moon in your philosophical ninth house squares off with Saturn in your seventh house of relationships.
However, that same day, you might leak some news as Mars and Uranus join forces in your tenth house of public relations, potentially shocking people with an updated relationship status or provocative social media post that catches everyone’s attention. A lot is changing at once, and on the twenty-third, you’ll understand whether a relationship will come along with you in this next phase of life. When Mars in your ambitious tenth house squares off with Jupiter, it could encourage you to go hard after your goals but potentially leave someone behind in the process.
Tension could create stress in your love life by the end of the day Saturday, when the sun-Saturn conjunction sends a serious vibe to your partnership sector. You no longer have space in your life for immature relationship dynamics. You’re ready to grow up.
Virgo Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: When the week begins, it’s very important for you to pay attention to your lover’s actions. On January 19, the moon in your passionate eighth house squares off with Venus in your sixth house of service, which may leave you feeling devoted to someone no matter how they treat you.
However, if disappointment has built up, you might just be ready to break free by the twentieth. The Mars-Uranus conjunction rocks and rolls in your expansive ninth house, tapping into your need for freedom and adventure.
But this doesn’t mean your lover won’t come along with you. On January 22, the moon in your ninth house of spontaneity trines Pluto in your romantic fifth house, and you could potentially be inviting your lover to embark on this next journey with you while deepening your bond. On the twenty-third, Mars squares Jupiter in your practical sixth house, encouraging you to take a leap of faith and allow the universe to catch you.
However, the sun-Saturn conjunction in your sixth house of work and health also takes place on Saturday, revealing the parameters you have to work with. Freedom is fine and good, but a relationship won’t survive without a modicum of realistic thinking.
Libra Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: You could experience major shifts in the level of intimacy in your love life as the week begins. As you continue to feel the effects of Jupiter in your romantic fifth house squaring Uranus in your emotional eighth house, there could be major mood swings in your relationship and lots of ups and downs. By January 19, old defense mechanisms might create new problems as the moon in your partnership sector squares Venus in your fourth house of upbringing.
However, you have the power to really leave the past in the past when Mars and Uranus join forces in your eighth house of transformation on the twentieth. This could lead to a moment of rebirth in your relationship, encouraging you to leave behind a pattern or habit that’s held you back from really embracing love.
On January 23, Mars forms a square with Jupiter, spicing things up and giving you the power to intensify the depth of your love while also livening things up and enjoying each other’s company.
However, the sun-Saturn conjunction take place in your fifth house of fun and pleasure later the same day, bringing your awareness to how you can put more effort into keeping the romance alive. It takes work.
Scorpio Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: You could feel a lack of security in your relationship as the week begins. You’re still dealing with the effects of Jupiter in your protective fourth house squaring Uranus in your partnership sector, and your desire to build a stronger home front could leave a relationship feeling threatened. Miscommunication could leave you and a lover feeling as though you’re on two different pages by January 19, when the moon in your proactive sixth house squares with Venus in your communication sector.
However, the twentieth could be a major moment for your love life. The Mars-Uranus conjunction takes your seventh house of partnerships for a ride, encouraging you to leave behind relationships that no longer make sense to you as you gravitate toward people who inspire you. While this can leave you feeling uncertain about a relationship, it could also infuse some much-needed excitement into a stagnant relationship.
On January 22, the moon transits your seventh house as it forms a trine with Pluto in your communication sector, encouraging you to be honest about your feelings.
The twenty-third is when the sun-Saturn conjunction sends sobering energy to your sensitive fourth house of home and family. Take a look at whether you and your lover want the same things and share the same values.
Sagittarius Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: The desire to indulge and steep yourself in pleasure will flood your heart as the week begins. On January 20, the moon in your romantic fifth house squares Pluto in your stable second house, and you might be tempted to take things a little bit too far in your love life. Keep one foot on the ground.
The twentieth is also when you could see a major shift in the routines that rule your love life. The Mars-Uranus conjunction in your sixth house of daily activity can liberate you from your habits. Perhaps your relationship could use some spontaneity. Maybe you need a break from checking your dating app first thing every morning. Embrace change and see where it gets you.
On January 23, you’ll start working through the logical side of your love life. The moon transits your harmonious seventh house, encouraging you to focus your attention on your lover. As Mars in your practical sixth house squares Jupiter in your chatty third house, you might feel inspired to help make your lover’s life easier and be on their team. But as the sun-Saturn conjunction rearranges your third house of messages later that day, it’s time to identify how you can do better at speaking your mind and listening to your lover in return.
Capricorn Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: Love might seize your heart at the most unexpected times this week. As it begins, you’re still feeling the effects of the Jupiter-Uranus square, leading to attractions to unusual people or a delightful romantic discovery about your current relationship. Don’t expect perfection. Just enjoy it for what it is.
Leave your expectations behind this week, especially on January 20, when the Mars-Uranus conjunction could lead to major surprises in your fifth house of love and crushes. You might be shocked that a certain someone has feelings for you, or you could be shocked by the feelings you have for someone else. That butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling may be uncomfortable, but it’s certainly transformative as the moon in your romantic fifth house forms a trine with Pluto in your first house of the self on the twenty-second.
The romance brings you so much self-confidence on January 23, when Mars forms a square with Jupiter and encourages you to discover the depths of your feelings and expression. You may even find yourself confronting self-esteem issues as the sun-Saturn conjunction lands in your second house of self-worth later, so double up on the self-love.
Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: You’re growing so much so quickly, and this week you may see the way these changes are echoing throughout other areas of your life. As the week begins, Jupiter in Aquarius is still forming a square with Uranus in your private sector, revealing changes that may make you feel insecure in a relationship. It’s time to rethink whether the relationship leaves you feeling at home.
As the Mars-Uranus conjunction lights up your fourth house of home and family on January 20, you can expect changes waiting for you in your personal life. These changes could have a profound effect on your love life if you share a living space with your lover. These changes may also leave you feeling altered, potentially rearranging the dynamic of a relationship by the twenty-third. Mars in your sensitive fourth house squares Jupiter in Aquarius, proving that you are growing and, in the process, outgrowing your previous idea of what love is.
Saturday is also when the sun-Saturn conjunction lands in your first house of the self, encouraging you to do some major reflection and discover how you can become a more mature and confident version of yourself. Focus on self-love.
Pisces Weekly Love Horoscope
WEEK OF JAN 18, 2021: You’re setting yourself free this week. As the week begins, you’re still processing the impact of Jupiter in your spiritual twelfth house as it squares Uranus in your communication sector. This may lead to you finally talk about something that you’ve kept secret, something you’re ready to get off your chest. On January 20, a conversation could change everything when Mars and Uranus blast through your chatty third house, encouraging everyone to say what they’ve always wanted to say.
However, be careful what you look for, because some information might not be worth knowing. On the twenty-third, Mars in your mental third house squares Jupiter in your twelfth house of all things unseen, pushing you to search for answers and lurk where you probably shouldn’t be lurking, especially as it pertains to an ex. Keep your eyes forward and focus on closure instead of lingering in the past.
The end of the week is all about healing and letting go. As the sun-Saturn conjunction sends strength to your twelfth house of spirituality, you might be sorting through skeletons in your closet and discovering all the many reasons you’re afraid of being alone.