Weekly Love Horoscope Overview – November 15 – 21

Aries Weekly Love Horoscope
Your popularity will be elevated at the beginning of the week, dear Ram, as the moon makes its way through your sign. While others will be vying for your attention, you should use this cosmic climate as an opportunity to practice some self-care and reaffirm your commitment to personal and professional goals.
Midweek will bring forth opportunities for love when the Taurus moon forms an alliance with wildcard Uranus while sharing a helpful connection to sweet Venus. This day will be full of surprises, and chance encounters of the romantic variety are likely to unfold. If you’re single with no foreseeable partners on the horizon, this could be the day that someone pops up. Whether it’s starting up a conversation with a stranger, swiping right, or reaching out to your crush, be open to the possibility of love right now. Just try not to rush into anything too quickly, as an opposition between Mars (your ruling planet) and Uranus could leave you regretting hasty decisions.
Use the nineteenth to set any personal boundaries that need to be implemented, when the Gemini moon shares a helpful connection to Saturn. Whether it’s taking time out for yourself, blocking an ex, or letting your friends know that certain topics are off the table, feel free to draw a line where you need to.
Taurus Weekly Love Horoscope
You’ll be asked to take a time out during the beginning of the week, as your ruling planet, Venus, forms a harsh aspect to the healing asteroid, Chiron. These vibes could lead to elevated stress levels or anxiety, so it’ll be important that you’re extremely gentle with yourself and take the space you need to heal.
The evening of the sixteenth will bring a shift with it when the moon moves into your sign, helping you feel more like yourself again. A sweet connection between Luna and Venus on the seventeenth will bring a stream of loving energy your way, helping you open your heart to the potential of love. If there are any romantic hurts from the past that are preventing you from moving forward on your romantic journey, use the eighteenth to release such pain when the moon shares a helpful connection to transformative Pluto.
Fated encounters are likely to manifest on the nineteenth when the moon shares an alliance with the north node of fate. Small exchanges could snowball into more meaningful connections down the road, so you’ll want to pay attention to who comes into view. Venus will also share a helpful connection to Uranus on this day, meaning love could manifest in unexpected and thrilling ways.
Gemini Weekly Love Horoscope
The first part of the week will feel like a rollercoaster to you as the Aries moon activates the sector of your chart that rules group activities and community. You’ll be on the go as you hustle to stay on top of your social engagements and responsibilities. Being around so many people will be exciting, but you’ll need to set aside some time to regroup, especially on the morning of the fifteenth. The sixteenth will bring extra luck your way, as the moon shares a connection to auspicious Jupiter, which could lead to a new romantic connection. However, you’ll want to make sure you’re not repeating relationship patterns by hooking up with an ex or someone similar.
The cosmic tide will be in your favor on the nineteenth, when the moon moves into your sign, just in time for the weekend! Your popularity will get a boost under this lunar placement, and you’ll have the opportunity to choose from multiple suitors. These vibes are sure to give your ego a little boost and are perfect for having some fun. Just try not to let the party last late into the night on Sunday, as you’ll want to make sure you’re well-rested and refreshed in time for the workweek to begin.
Cancer Weekly Love Horoscope
There won’t be a lot of time for matters of the heart from the fourteenth through the sixteenth, as the Aries moon activates the sector of your chart that rules your career, lighting a fire in your belly when it comes to professional ambitions. Your work life will be demanding right now, which could put a strain on your existing relationships, especially on the morning of the fifteenth, when the moon shares a harsh aspect with Venus. Stress will be amplified on this day, so you’ll need to be mindful that you’re cutting out some time for self-care and romance.
If you’re on the hunt for new flirtations and romantic potential, you’ll want to schedule a night out with your friends on the nineteenth. Venus, the planet of love, will share a helpful connection to random Uranus while activating the sector of your chart that rules romantic relationships and the community. These vibes can spell chance encounters that lead to loving partnerships down the line, but you’ll need to put yourself out there. If you’re not able to convince your friends to hit the town, you can still find love through various dating apps or websites. Either way, you’ll need to start sending signals that you’re looking to connect!
Leo Weekly Love Horoscope
Trust your gut when it comes to matters of the heart from the fourteenth through the sixteenth, as the moon travels through Aries while activating the sector of your chart that rules spirituality. Your intuition will get a boost under this cosmic climate, and the universe will ask you to take action toward the things you want. Luckily, this lunar placement will boost your confidence and trigger your bravery, making it the perfect time to ask out anyone you’ve had your eye on lately.
Flirtation around the office could occur on the seventeenth when the Taurus moon cozies up to wildcard Uranus while sharing a helpful connection to romantic Venus. While exchanging a flirty look or text can help propel you through the day, you’ll want to be careful not to cross any professional boundaries. Watch out for impulsive hookups as well, as Mars will be in the throes of a harsh opposition to Uranus.
The nineteenth will bring a refreshing shift your way when the moon changes signs into Gemini, illuminating the area of your chart that rules community and social events. You should focus on having a good time with your friends above all else, though there’s always the chance that opportunities around love will fall into your lap over the weekend.
Virgo Weekly Love Horoscope
Deep connections will manifest quickly for you during the first part of the week as the moon makes its way through passionate Aries. This energy will bring impulsivity and excitement to your romantic conquests, but you’ll want to be mindful that you don’t let someone in too fast, or you could end up paying for it later. Yes, it’s good to connect with others, but you might want to hold off when it comes to baring your soul or revealing deep secrets.
Soulmate connections could manifest out of the blue from the eighteenth through the nineteenth when sweet Venus forms a helpful connection to random Uranus. This energy will be particularly poignant on the eighteenth when Mercury, your ruling planet, blows a cosmic kiss to dreamy Neptune. Your connection to the universe will be strengthened on this day, which you should use as an opportunity to communicate to the other side what you’d like to attract in a future mate. Keep an eye out for signs as well right now, especially if they pertain to matters of the heart. If you’re unsure of how to move forward within your love life, a meditation session or professional tarot reading can provide some serious clarity.
Libra Weekly Love Horoscope
Your love life will be on fire during the first part of the week, dear Libra, as the Aries moon brings a burst of energy to the sector of your chart that rules romantic relationships. If you’re on the hunt for love, connections will form quickly right now, and your flirting game will be next level. This cosmic climate is also great for hooking up, which is perfect if you’re not looking for a serious commitment. If you do find someone you really like during this time, do your best to take things slow, as Aries energy often has a short shelf life and isn’t necessarily conducive to long-term partnerships.
The Taurus full moon manifests on the nineteenth, bringing a sensual element to the table. If you are looking for something more serious right now, this would be the day you’ll want to mark in your calendar for date night. This full moon is also great for healing from past hurts, presenting an opportunity to release any pain that you’ve been holding onto. Whether you use this day to go out with someone special or spend time at home practicing self-care, you’ll need to prioritize your own needs.
Scorpio Weekly Love Horoscope
This first part of the week will feel like one big buildup as the moon makes its way through fiery Aries, gearing up for the Taurus full moon. The fourteenth through the sixteenth will likely have you tending to the needs of others, especially if your friends or coworkers find themselves in emotional turmoil. With Mars as your ruling planet, you naturally thrive in chaos, but you’ll need to take care that you’re not pushing yourself too hard in the name of catering to others.
The big cosmic show stopper for you this week will manifest on the nineteenth when the Taurus full moon takes center stage in the sky. This lunar event will trigger the sector of your chart that rules romantic relationships, making it the perfect time to connect with that special someone. The vibe will be inherently romantic, and a positive connection between Venus and Uranus will bring sweet surprises your way. You might find that you’re on the receiving end of a flirty text, love note, or even flowers from your secret admirer. Watch how others treat you on this day as people will be in the mood to spoil you, and even the slightest kind deed could be an indication of deeper feelings lurking below the surface.
Sagittarius Weekly Love Horoscope
You’ll be the life of the party during the first part of the week as the Aries moon activates the sector of your chart that rules fun and creative expression. You’re always pretty sparkling, dear Archer, but this cosmic climate will take your aura to the next level, and people will be extremely drawn to you. Even with your attention in high demand, you’ll likely feel inspired to focus only on your hobbies and close friends, which will only add to your allure.
Things will start to slow down on the evening of the sixteenth when the moon changes signs into grounded and sensual Taurus. This is a good time to check in with your schedule and pencil in any dates that you’re been pushing to the side. The full moon occurs very early on the nineteenth and will ask you to check in with your physical well-being. If you’re overdue for some self-care, now would be the time to unplug and pamper yourself.
This will align for you romantically when the moon moves into Gemini, activating the sector of your chart that rules romantic partnerships. An alliance between Luna and the north node can bring through fated encounters, so try not to brush off any sweet moments that fall into your lap.
Capricorn Weekly Love Horoscope
The Aries moon will ask you to handle your business at home, and you may even feel inspired to make some decorative changes. If there are any domestic projects you’ve been putting off lately, now would be the time to handle such business. No matter what the dynamics of your home life are at the moment, this cosmic climate will encourage you to recharge your batteries by staying in, especially on the evening of the fourteenth when the moon forms a supportive aspect to your ruling planet, Saturn.
Check in with your boundaries on the seventeenth when the Taurus moon shares a harsh square to restrictive Saturn. You may be letting people in too quickly, only to get hurt down the line. Or that you’ve been closing yourself off to love, and others are having a hard time connecting with you. No matter which way this coin lands, you’ll want to check in with your heart to make sure you’re in a good emotional space.
The Taurus full moon manifests just after the witching hour on the nineteenth, asking you to use your voice. This lunar event is perfect for releasing people, situations, or behaviors that are no longer serving you, and an artistic outlet can prove to be extremely therapeutic. Use this week to focus on healing yourself. There will be plenty of chances for love next week!
Aquarius Weekly Love Horoscope
Your social life will be firing on all cylinders during the first part of the week as the Aries moon activates the sector or your chart that rules communication. This energy will have your phone, social media, and inbox filled to the brim with messages from your friends, family, and colleagues, and you’ll need to make sure you’re pacing yourself and setting aside time to decompress between interactions.
Luckily, the vibe will chill out beginning on the evening of the sixteenth when the moon moves into grounded Taurus. This lunar placement will trigger the area of your chart that governs the home, providing you with the perfect excuse to lay low and chill on the couch. However, that doesn’t mean you have to remain cut off from your crush or any love interests. A romantic and sensual vibe will descend upon your home on the seventeenth and eighteenth, and a helpful connection between sweet Venus and unpredictable Uranus could lead to impromptu date nights at home. If you’ve got a romantic interest you’ve been hoping to heat things up with lately, now would be the time to invite them over for a cuddle session and perhaps a bit of heavy petting.
Pisces Weekly Love Horoscope
Try not to be overly demanding of your crush’s affections during the first part of the week as the moon makes its way through fiery Aries. These vibes will inspire others to cling to their independence, which can leave you feeling uncertain of where you stand within the eyes of your romantic interests. If you don’t hear from that special someone from the fourteenth through the sixteenth, don’t take it personally, people will just be caught up in their own issues. The big cosmic lesson for you right now is to find security within yourself and not through the attention of others.
Don’t despair if your inbox feels empty. The tide will change on the evening of the sixteenth when the moon changes signs into sensual Taurus. This lunar placement will activate the sector of your chart that rules communication, and your social status will get a big upgrade. People will be in a romantic mood right now, especially during the full moon on the morning of the nineteenth. Take this as your cue to indulge in the finer things in life and ask your crush out for a fancy dinner, craft cocktails, or even a movie at home. If you’re in the mood to fly solo, use these vibes to romance and pamper yourself instead!