Aquarius 2020 Horoscope Overview

Aquarius 2020 Horoscope Overview

YEAR OF 2020: With wild-card Uranus as your ruling planet, Aquarius, it takes a lot to rattle your nerves. But his time in Taurus has been a real shock to the system!

That’s because, as your fourth house of home, family, and emotions, Taurus is your ultimate comfort zone—and comfort isn’t really Uranus’ thing. As this transit continues through 2020 and beyond, life can seem pretty chaotic at times. But in the midst of it all, a calm and quiet inner voice assures you that you can and will weather any storm.

Early in the year, planets in your sign square off with Uranus (Mercury on January 18, the sun on January 22, and Mars on April 7). Your self-image as a rebel or radical innovator clashes with a growing desire for more stability and security in your life. But what if the most “punk-rock” thing you can do this year is going back to basics and adopt a simpler lifestyle?

After all, Aquarius, self-care can be a revolutionary act. And from June through August, as personal planets in Cancer sextile Uranus, you have permission to make it a priority—not just for you, but for all the people you care about. The more grounded and centered you are, the more present you can be for them through all life’s ups and downs.

With Capricorn energy dominating the astrological landscape for most of 2020—including a Saturn/Pluto conjunction on January 12 and three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions in April, June, and November—structure and boundaries are the name of the game. But have no fear: It’s not about following anyone else’s rules! It’s about consciously choosing to stay within the limits that foster greater health, safety, wellbeing, and happiness for you.

The truth is, Aquarius, having limits makes it easier—not harder—to express your individuality. And as Saturn visits your sign from March 21-July 1, you’re challenged to step up your self-discipline. With a new 20-year cycle beginning at Jupiter and Saturn’s Great Conjunction in your sign (December 21), the choices you make this year will likely have long-term consequences.


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