Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019

Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Draw close to your inner wellspring of peace. If tensions arise today, consider it an unexpected opportunity. You want to leap into action, but it behooves you to go within before making a move now. If there is something you need to say, visualize the encounter first and picture a positive outcome for all. Life is but a dream and you hold the power to influence your waking life. Trust that you have what it takes to create a healthy context for living. Temper the impulse to control the situation and bide your time. The patience you offer another is a gift to yourself.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Meaningful connections bring freshness to your life and inspire you to see the world anew today. However, unsettling information might require you to examine your feelings about your supporters and associates in order to determine which relationships no longer serve your best interests. Your interactions need not all be deeply emotionally significant, but it is helpful to have companionship that nurtures your soul. Join a club or sign up for a seminar to spend time with people who are dedicated to self-improvement. Friends are the most important ingredients in the recipe of life.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Take ownership for your professional platforms now. Although its easy to compartmentalize your work from your leisure, how you act in one area of life is how you act everywhere. Zoom out when faced with contention today and look at the bigger picture. Rather than staying stuck, remember that every interaction is simply a conversation. Ask yourself who you want to be in this moment and assume responsibility for the energy you bring to a space. No matter the nature of your public self-expression, embody your best self. Leadership is power plus pride and dignity.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Your thoughts are generative and create your reality. As you expand awareness and stretch beyond the comfort zone, your limitations become apparent and may seem daunting. Be aware of the stories you tell and the implications you ascribe to whatever happens. Fortunately, analyzing the truth leads you to see things differently. Make the shift to rewrite the script. Emotions are fleeting, and you are the sole judge of what your feelings mean. The school of life presents constant lessons for growth. Your teacher can open the door, but you must enter by yourself.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Defending and protecting your ego diminishes your spirit. If you experience a loss of freedom or power today, go inward to uncover a faulty assumption that may be the source of a current conflict. Whether its a personal challenge or a circumstantial difficulty, address the situation without worrying about your image. Rather than wasting precious time and energy trying to remain untouched by the criticism you receive now, swallow your pride and let others into your world. Infinite possibilities emerge when youre willing to admit you can learn from those around you.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Hold on to the ones who really care. You might be lucky to have many relationships in your life, but you cant help but wonder if each one contributes to your well-being. Evaluate the quality of your connections and reflect on the purpose of your bigger mission. You gradually become like the people with whom you spend the most time, so manage your energetic investments wisely. Cherish those who answer when you call, and consider how you can speak their love languages. Partnership doesnt occur in a vacuum. Honor and elevate those closest to you and nurture them on a regular basis.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Consider the highest calling for your life. Give your imagination free reign without worrying about the practical side of manifesting your ideas. If you are constantly concerned about how you can put your vision into form, you will prematurely set limitations on what is possible today. Of course, there may be mundane tasks that must be completed no matter what — and its still wise to attend to those first. Nevertheless, granting yourself permission to go anywhere in thought is your current ticket to success. William Blake wrote, What is now proved was once only imagined.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Create what you desire for no reason at all. Reassess your past initiatives and their outcomes. Dont focus on small goals that are easily obtainable because playing it safe only generates marginal results. Stagnation begets boredom and resignation. To maintain the flow, allow yourself to exemplify your magnificence. A bigger vision empowers you to be unstoppable. Speak truth to what you can birth out in the world and release your limitations. Be radically honest and think outside the box. Life is a game to be played full out.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Dive deep to discover what fuels your motivations. Its easy to rest on explanations and justifications, as it is to place blame on your familial upbringing or present environment. Instead of living like you are subject to past events, recognize that you are running your show anew in every moment. Consciously avoid situations and behaviors that trigger your sense of powerlessness today. Let go of resentment or envy; you can be the causative agent in your life rather than being at the mercy of outside circumstances. Forgive it all, and you will see everything differently.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Put your game face on but wear your compassionate heart on your sleeve. Minor annoyances and petty arguments need to be dealt with before they escalate into bigger problems. Be deliberate with every word you choose. Ask yourself if you would want to be the recipient of your own message. Squash the squabbles and speak with maturity, lest misunderstanding create mountains out of molehills. Thankfully, you will know what to say when you actively listen to what matters to others. Sincere efforts produce positive results. A chorus has many voices, yet still they harmonize.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Your material reality is a reflection of your self-belief. Discord arises from the lack of cohesion when your heart says one thing, but your actions indicate another. Pursue your dreams and run with your limitless capabilities. Boundaries are healthy, but they should be doors and not walls. Any sense of discomfort in the way your life goes can be rectified instantaneously. When you know and respect your abundant self-worth, the people with whom you collaborate show up in their best form. The quality of your thoughts informs the condition of your experience.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – Aug 16, 2019
Bring your heavenly vision down to earth. You need a constructive outlet to direct your ethereal impulses today because daydreams and illusions naturally lead to pleasure-seeking and escape. The inter-connectedness of all of life is abundantly obvious to you, but enrolling others into your plans may present a challenge now. Embody your creative visualization and channel it into an artistic format. Show instead of tell, and focus on the feelings of an experience. Cut through the fog to see the heart of the matter.


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