Scorpio – Will 2023 Bring You Wealth?

Your life likely looks quite different than it did in late 2021, thanks to a series of eclipses that have been occurring in your sign and self-image zone as well as your partnership sector. And that trend continues — and culminates — in 2023. Around the lunar eclipse in your sign on May 5 and a lunar eclipse in your partnership zone on October 28, you’ll feel emotional but also enjoy a surge of confidence related to your sense of self and closest relationships. You know what you want as well as who will show up for you the way you’ve been supporting them, which can only serve to strengthen your ability to hit your financial goals solo and one-on-one.

This theme is underlined by the fact that Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will be moving through your partnership sector from May 16 to May 25, 2025, emphasizing your ability to bring in more income when you pair up with people who share your vision. This transit also supports your ability to negotiate one-on-one, so make a play for that raise, more responsibility, or joining forces with a colleague on a crucial project.

The final Mercury retrograde of 2023 — December 13 to January 1, 2024 — falls in your income zone, which allows you to reflect on and refine your approach to moneymaking. Finessing the details during this transit can set the stage for magnified growth next year.

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