Leo – 2023 April Monthly Horoscope

Leo, you’re ready for some travel adventures as the sun continues its journey through Aries until April 20. And with jovial Jupiter in this same zone for a few more weeks, take advantage of the many opportunities to expand your horizons and explore exciting options. The more willing you are to take a leap of faith, the happier you’ll be.

On the fifth, the full moon in Libra and your sector of talk and thought could coincide with a discussion that brings some interesting information to light. And it might be something you’ll want to look into right away. If your sixth sense tells you to get more involved, go for it.

Sweet Venus moves into Gemini and your social sector on April 10, bringing a flirtatious and convivial energy to any events and gatherings you attend. This is an ideal influence if you’re looking for romance or you want to make new friends. Your curiosity will encourage you to link up with people from all walks of life, and some of them could really be worth getting to know.

You could have a decision on your hands at the time of the solar eclipse in Aries and your sector of exploration on the nineteenth. This eclipse could coincide with an opportunity that takes you way outside your comfort zone. However, should you decide to accept it, it could change your life for the better.

On April 20, the sun moves into Taurus and your career zone for a stay of around four weeks. You won’t be shy about promoting yourself, and this is the time to step into the spotlight and let the world know how talented you are.

The next day, talkative Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus and your career zone, which could cause delays to key plans and projects. You might need to put one or two things on the back burner until this planet turns direct again in three weeks.

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