Aquarius 2021 February Monthly Love Horoscope

On February 6, the contact combination of Venus and your ruler, the beloved Saturn, helps to bring you into a good romantic situation. You must now reap the rewards of your last efforts, or you are ready to give up. work for the realization of work in the near future. in both ways you build yourself up for a good love karma.
Eleven has a new moon in the forward-thinking Aquarius, but be sure not to go too far. If you are currently in a relationship, do not trade with the present for anything that may happen in the future, if you are single, use this freedom-loving foolishness to enjoy your free status.
February 17 brings a Saturn-Uranus field that occurs only once every 14 years and you’ll be glad you did when it’s over! This is a stressful aspect that can make you nervous if you are not careful. It’s hard to plan for this concussion, this energy can bring love into your life, so try to be ready for anything.
The moon is full in the twenty-seventh Virgo and gives you time to get things done. Dealing with matters of the heart from a logical perspective now helps you make difficult decisions that you probably wouldn’t be able to make if you were relying solely on your emotions.