monthly love horoscopes

Venus' romance isn't incredibly comfortable when paired with a somewhat aloof Aquarius on February 1st, but at least your love...
On February 6, the contact combination of Venus and your ruler, the beloved Saturn, helps to bring you into a...
The focused conjunction of loving Venus and serious Saturn, your ruler, on February 6 helps put you in a good...
The sun is paired with the intelligent Aquarius at the beginning of the month to look for those looking for...
Venus, the goddess of love When you pair with Aquarius on February 1, you don't really know what will happen...
Beautiful Venus, your ruler, is less tight as she leaves Capricorn following the rules and enters the rebellious sign of...
Romantic Venus, when you partner with the unexpected Aquarius on February 1, you will expect three weeks of excitement, like...
The sun is your ruler and to start the month Aquarius is associated with a special and simple sign. How...
Beloved Venus is silent for a while when she mates with Aquarius on February 1st. This is not the kind...
As the sun continues to travel through the air sign and your fellow positive thinker Aquarius early this month, your...
The Sun is already in your future Aquarius When your Venus paired up with the Logical Water Bearer on February...
As the sun begins in this new month, Aquarius is asking you to be just yourself, if you feel that...