Capricorn 2019 May Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn 2019 May Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF MAY 2019: Your home planet is retrograde during its square to Mercury on May 1, but it still packs a punch. Your thinking is deeply rooted as you focus on a specific topic of your choosing. If you have to convince other people you’re right, choose your words carefully and speak slowly.

A sun-Saturn retrograde trine on the eleventh brings your hard work into the spotlight, and you might finally get some of the recognition you deserve. You probably won’t let the applause last long – there’s more work to be done, after all – but at least now you know people appreciate your efforts.

Have you been stuck in a rut recently? Changes are likely during the Venus-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on May 18, especially in romantic relationships or finances. Mixing things up can be good, but don’t act too quickly.

The sun enters perceptive Gemini on the twenty-first, so a lot of things might come into focus that you’ve been wondering about lately. Is it better now that you know? Being (or acting) ignorant can have its upside, but there’s no going back once you see the light.


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