Capricorn 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

Capricorn 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

YEAR OF 2020: Don’t get too comfortable, Capricorn: You may think you’ve gotten used to Uranus in Taurus (your romance and dating house), but this year he’s still got some tricks up his sleeve!

When it comes to love, it’s easy to get set in your ways. You know what you like… and good luck enticing you to try anything different. But from June through August, planets transiting your opposite sign of Cancer sextile Uranus, inspiring greater willingness to venture out of your comfort zone to please your partner (and hopefully, yourself). Exposing yourself to new experiences is a vulnerable feeling, but with Mercury making this aspect three times (June 5, June 30, and July 22), we bet you’ll learn to love it.

After all, Capricorn, even if lovers are turned on by your take-charge ways, you can’t always be the one in control. Sometimes you’ve got to let your partner lead the way—or at least, meet them halfway. Fortunately, Mercury spends extra time in sensitive Cancer (May 28-August 4, retrograde June 17-July 12) and trines Neptune in Pisces on July 30, opening channels of compassionate communication about their feelings, needs, and desires.

Still, it may be hard to avoid a power struggle, with Mercury, the sun, and Venus in Cancer opposing Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in your sign (July-early September). A T-square to hotheaded Mars in Aries only raises the emotional stakes.

Then, when the sun, Mercury, and Venus move on to Leo—your eighth house of sex and intimacy—they square off with wild-card Uranus (August 2, August 10, and September 15, respectively). If you’ve been bending over backwards to make a partner happy, you may feel it’s time to take back the upper hand.

But here’s the thing, Capricorn: In a truly happy and healthy relationship, there is no upper hand. Sure, one person (i.e., you) may naturally fall into the more dominant role, but that’s only cool if it works for both of you. Together, you negotiate the balance of give-and-take, lead-and-follow that makes sense for your unique dynamic.


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