Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Are you ready, Aries? Today is the day that Mercury finally stations retrograde in your opposite sign, Libra. Mercury retrogrades often bring miscommunication into the mix and even the potential for an ex to make their way back to you. Since this Mercury retrograde initially hits your professional commitments and partnerships, you may see some issues resurfacing in your working relationships. The question of balance hangs in the air, especially if you feel a lack of reciprocity or peace within certain arrangements. You could use Mercury retrograde to revise the commitments you currently have to ensure harmony moving forward.

Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Peace in the workplace might be more superficial than you think, Taurus. Today, Mercury stations retrograde in Libra, bringing forth disruption to the delicate balance in your work-life. Certain conversations may air on a more passive-aggressive side, technology might falter, and there might be a shocking lack of reciprocity at work. Since Mercury retrograde can cause a little chaos, people may begin to show their true colors in times of stress. Although this can be challenging, you should thank Mercury retrograde for this rare opportunity to see your work for what it is!

Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

What needs to be revised, Gemini? Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today, suggesting that your creative processes and projects will undergo significant revisions. Old projects may come back, especially if you know you could improve them! You might be reconsidering the trajectory of current passion projects as well. Aside from this, there might be some hiccups with your workplace cutie. You and your professional crush may go through an odd period during Mercury retrograde where feelings are not completely clear. Try to maintain some middle ground with your crush so that you can still focus on work.

Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Pause for the cause, Cancer. As Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today, you might begin to see some issues regarding your work-life balance pop up. Do you feel like there is a balance between your private life and professional life? Mercury retrograde may bring back old thoughts, feelings, and conversations about such. You might find yourself feeling strongly about how you want to schedule your time, especially if you are missing out on one area by focusing all of your time and energy on the other area of your life.

Leo Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Watch your tone, turf, and timing, Leo! The shallow peace in your immediate work community may come to a halt as Mercury stations retrograde in Libra. You might begin to notice some tension due to miscommunication or colleagues misreading each other. Poorly timed emails, messages, and more may add to the frustration. Be mindful of what you are sending before you send it since Mercury retrograde may cause some unnecessary chaos! Aside from this, Mercury retrograde could disrupt the peace of your commute to and from work. Plan accordingly to avoid travel issues.

Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Money matters may take a surprising turn, Virgo. As Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today, you may begin to see some unexpected expenses pop up or feel more financially stressed than usual. Mercury retrograde is sure to bring some upheaval into your money matters, so it will be important to maintain a level head to combat the stress of handling your budget. Although challenging, this period could offer you the insight that you need to figure out what you need to change or adjust to feel at peace with your finances.

Libra Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Are you the drama, Libra? Kidding! Kind of. You might be more aware of how you come across to others in a professional setting as Mercury stations retrograde in your sign today. What you say or how you say it could potentially speak volumes about you as a professional. Since Mercury retrograde is quite a trickster, you may notice that you are not expressing yourself as intended. Freudian slips, word vomit, mush mouth, and more are bound to happen during this retrograde. Your best bet is to smooth over any miscommunication as quickly as possible!

Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Inner peace will keep you sane, Scorpio. Work matters may stress you out now more than usual as Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today. Your inner monologue may swing rapidly, causing internal imbalance as you try to manage whatever is going on at work. Meditation or taking a moment to calm yourself throughout your day is the best way to handle the stress of Mercury retrograde. Aside from this, Mercury retrograde may expose some hidden enemies at work. Some of your colleagues may show their true colors through what they say either to you or about you!

Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Let go of double standard work friends, Sagittarius. As Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today, you may begin to see some of your work associations and connections take a hit. The test will be how well you both communicate with one another as Mercury retrograde in Libra will expose your professional network. Take note of who reciprocates in your professional community. Your true work friends are supportive in any way that they can, while your faux connections are only in it for themselves. Restore peace by focusing on genuine connections but avoid drama at all costs.

Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Uh-oh, Capricorn! Your professional status might be in jeopardy as Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today. Mercury retrograde typically causes issues and mishaps, but this will specifically impact your current professional standing in your career path. If you have been balanced and fair, then do not stress. However, if you have engaged in unnecessary drama or associate with catty professions, Mercury retrograde might hold you responsible for your actions. Assume accountability for your actions to wipe your professional slate clean. Do not be afraid to lay low until this blows over.

Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Do you like your current path, Aquarius? Feelings of indecision might be amplified as Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today. You might be weighing the pros and cons of your professional journey. There might be a few paths, opportunities, or places to travel to that are available to you. However, there might also be a sense of finality as one decision could pave the way for your career path. Instead of moving forward in your professional development, use this introspective retrograde to reconsider your options. Mercury retrograde can help you reposition yourself in your professional journey!

Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – September 9, 2022

Power struggles are possible, Pisces. You might feel like you are struggling with a financial transformation or professional authority as Mercury stations retrograde in Libra today. The scales are tipped, suggesting that either you or something else may have more control of shared resources. So, Mercury retrograde may cause some inner tension that simmers behind the scenes. Although it can be stressful, you could use this period to revise how something is shared in a workplace. If anything, avoid committing to new financial ventures or opportunities. Focus on whatever is already in motion!


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