Daily Love Horoscope – September 26, 2023

Daily Love Horoscope – September 26, 2023

ARIES Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

Our blessed Luna is growing in the heavens now, Aries. She will sing hymns from your solar eleventh house of euphoria and joy. This may bring a more festive and social vibe to your day, as well as connect you to many friends. This would be a great moment to meet someone new through your circle, especially someone open to having a heart-to-heart. If committed, consider discussing with your lover who their favorite friends are and plans the group of you can make.

TAURUS Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The moon’s energy could be making you feel the pressures around work — but also home and family, Taurus. She will momentarily stand perched at the crown of your sky in your solar tenth house of achievement. This will put a spotlight on the hard work you need to do, which could be taking your attention away from responsibilities to your partner, children, or domestic life. Be in touch with them on an emotional level and discuss how you’re feeling about the pressures of the job. If you open up, they’ll better understand where you’re coming from.

GEMINI Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

Peer up and watch the dance of the moon today, Gemini. She is in a gorgeous trine to your sun sign, pushing you to get in touch with your emotions and desires. As she does, you’ll feel an exuberant energy to look at life from a different perspective, energy, and echelon, as if you’re putting on colored glasses before your eyes. This isn’t to blind or confuse you. It’s to show you that by opening your awareness, you can improve your relationships going forward. Everyone has their own vision — whether it’s a new suitor you’re courting or your long-term partner.

CANCER Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

Feel the shivering dance of Luna today, Cancer. Your mighty ruler, our glorious moon, will soon be reaching fullness in the blanket of darkness above. She will be shining her light from the depths of your solar eighth house of intimacy and sexuality, which means it’s time to have an emotional heart-to-heart about where you stand within your partnership. Be honest and direct. Don’t hide from your feelings. Discuss what is working for you and what kind of attention or affection you may still need. Your partner will be open to your thoughts and suggestions, especially if you’re speaking from the heart.

LEO Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The moon is shifting and turning today, Leo. She is growing in the night sky like a beacon of hope. Today, as she dances across the sky from you in your solar seventh house, she will be encouraging you to open your heart up like that same very beacon. It’s time to address your authentic feelings as of late with your significant other without being defensive, running away, or brushing them under the rug. Being direct and honest makes you so bold and beautiful, so don’t hide your feelings now.

VIRGO Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

Peer up to the glorious moon today, Virgo. Right now, as she continues to grow in rich brightness in the night’s sky, she will park herself in your solar sixth house of productivity. This could make today a bit hectic without any time for relaxation, pleasure, or romance, but it is also a good time to sit down with your dearest and discuss the work-life balance you both are taking part in. Sometimes, it just takes a little bit of extra effort to make time for each other and maintain your relationship. Your sweetheart will enjoy your sensitivity to their needs and yours.

LIBRA Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The moon is expanding and growing significantly now, Libra. In fact, she is so very close to fullness. Today, as she whispers sweet lyrics and poems from your solar fifth house of true love and romance, you’ll be feeling your emotions about where you stand in your personal life. Having a heart-to-heart with the one who you adore could come much easier today if you take the lead and focus on how you can both grow closer. You or they may be feeling the need for a little bit more adventure, spontaneity, and freedom. Hear them out and speak from the soul.

SCORPIO Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The moon is moving through her phases quickly, Scorpio. Today, she will swim through the clouds, pouring her light down through their bubbling mist to greet you and say hello. She is nearing her period of fullness — not yet, but very soon. As she dances through your solar fourth house of home, family, and domesticity, you’ll be deep in your emotions about these themes and situations. It’s a great day to sit home and relax, light some candles and incense, and get in touch with your coziest self. Treat yourself and your lover to a home-cooked meal or order delivery.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The magic of the moon is always wondrous to watch, Sagittarius. Today, as she is approaching fullness, she visits your solar third house of communication and ideas. The moon always ties to our natural rhythms and emotions, so with her activating your mind, it’s a great day to sit down with your sweetheart and have a heart-to-heart. It doesn’t have to be just about feelings, though. It can be about anything that swims up into your consciousness. Share deep discussions about topics that interest or fascinate you. You’ll both feel enriched because of it.

CAPRICORN Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The goddess of the night, our sweet moon, is moving on up in the world, Capricorn. She dances in perfect rhythm through our sky. Today, as she visits Aquarius, you’ll be feeling an intellectual and mental energy blending with your emotions. You could notice that you’re a bit more focused on your sense of self-worth. If you think others are validating and accepting you in the ways you need, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. The moon can help you forget your fears and embrace your most sensitive side.

AQUARIUS Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The moon is taking extra special care of you at this time, Aquarius. Today, as she brings her light to almost fullness within your zodiac sign, you’ll be feeling domestic, homey, and ready to cuddle up with your lover. You’ll be especially sensitive and emotional, which isn’t the norm for you because you tend to be quite logical and intellectual around your heart’s desires and motivations. But don’t run from whatever pops up. If you can, express it vulnerably to your partner. They’ll be eager to hear what you have to say and share.

PISCES Daily Love Horoscope September 26, 2023

The moon is moving right along forward, Pisces. As she creeps towards fullness, she is inching toward your zodiac sign degree by degree. Right now, she is bringing her power to your solar twelfth house of karma and the unconscious. This means that you’ll be feeling a bit more sensitive and out of your body as if you’re floating between the spiritual and physical realms. Get in touch with what your intuition is saying to you about your personal or romantic life. You’ll be glad you took this moment to lie low, rest, and recharge.


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