Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019

Aries Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
Socializing and romancing is pleasant and happy today. If you are single and looking for love, then get out to clubs or events that are associated with hobbies or interests that you love to do. The planetary energy is bringing many people together to share and cooperate. You will find this approach more successful than going out to nightclubs or bars.
Taurus Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
The energy in the air spells a great day for you and your partner (current or prospective). If you have been overburdened with work, and have not had a break, then take advantage of the good atmosphere to go out with some friends, get into a new circle of acquaintances, broaden your intellectual horizons, or even take a short jaunt out of town. Whatever you do, don’t stay in and shut out the world.
This is not truly a romantic type of day, replete with presents, meals out, and all the accoutrements, but the planetary energy does make it very sociable. It may not be the best time to take any relationship into deeper waters, but it will be a very positive time to mingle with those who truly inspire you, and with whom you feel genuine bonds of friendship.
Cancer Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
The planetary energy encourages you to polish your intellect and get out to gatherings and events where you can shine in a more academic way. This is not really a time when you will be noticed for your sheer sexual magnetism, but more for the amount of gray cells you have alive and kicking at any given moment. Rather than finding an awesome outfit to wear, focus on finding a fascinating topic of conversation.
Leo Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
Love and romance are calm and more platonic today. You will enjoy all kinds of intellectual pursuits as long as they have a practical basis. So you may find that you are drawn into some wonderful conversations with a particular person who may become more than just a friend in the future, but for the moment is happy to enjoy your company.
Virgo Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
The planetary energy is making this an auspicious time for a first date. The atmosphere is just perfect, with the possibility of getting to know each other initially in a more platonic way. If you are looking for a more passionate kind of evening, you may have to appeal to their intellectual tastes more than their physical desires. If you keep talking long enough, who knows what could happen…?
Libra Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
As like attracts like, and opposites also attract, what are you to do when faced with the dilemma of choosing between the two? The planets are radiating an energy suggesting that if you are faced with a choice of two or possibly more dates, you can talk your way into the one that is most suitable for you. Conduct some kind of cunning interview, while pretending to tell them your life story. You’ll think of something!
The planets are radiating an energy that is bringing you into the limelight more than ever. People are admiring you, not just for your sporty and athletic figure, but also for your penetrating and inquiring intellect. Your deep and philosophical nature is drawing to you travelers of the mind and consciousness, who wish to journey with you to far away states of being. Now aren’t you lucky!
Sagittarius Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
Rubbing things together creates friction, but the planets are interacting in a way that encourages powerful attractions. All you need do is keep talking, no matter how impossible it seems, how unlikely the stakes, or how up high the social ladder your opposite is. You have the know-how. Faith and confidence also helps – so get some. By the end of the day you could have the date of your dreams!
Capricorn Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
The planets are radiating an energy that encourages your finding a hundred and one reasons why you don’t want to date a certain person, but one very powerful and controversial reason why you do. You love being the oddball, and dislike being just part of a crowd. The date you are considering will certainly get you noticed, but is it the kind of attention you really want or need?
Aquarius Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
Even if you have been secretly hoping to find someone to give you a really warm hug this evening, the planets are radiating an energy that could cause you to instead end up in deep conversation. True, this could eventually get very intimate, but at this moment in time, this is as far as it gets. Give the relationship a few days – and things should have turned in your favor!
Pisces Daily Love Horoscope Sunday – Dec 29, 2019
The planets are radiating an energy that not only makes this a very sociable day, but also a wonderful occasion for meeting with others who enjoy talking about a diverse range of subjects. If you enjoy fascinating discussions, reading, writing, and general intellectual activities, then you could be in for a treat. You may find yourself attracted to someone whose brainpower you really admire. Go for it.
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