Daily Tarotscopes – September 16, 2023

Daily Tarotscopes – September 16, 2023

Check your daily tarotscope to figure out what is anticipated for you involving soothsaying and numerology for Saturday, September 16, 2023 by zodiac sign.


Tarot Card: Justice

Hi, Aries!! Stay in the moment and give a fair look in all areas of your life whether you are making balance. Pay attention to how you are keeping a sense of balance in your life. Moderation is the key word which you need at this time for living a sensible and healthy life. You might be interrogated, investigated for your work, so be honest in your deals. Over ambitions and temptations could give you nothing, remember short way to success is not rewarding at all.


Tarot Card: 10 Swords

Your immediate circumstances may put you in tight corner, you feel restricted indecisive and confused. You may have recently come through a very difficult time. Now you have come up with some solutions and plans to improve your situation and that’s a good thing. Just be sure that you don’t make the same mistakes which contributed to the problem that you just solved again. If you are looking for work or partnership you may be looking in the wrong place. Be sure that you see your own role in the matter.


Tarot Card: Temperence

Well!!! Twins know how to overcome the situation, the wrong decisions and wrong choices in life. You need not to make others responsible for the failure; this is the best part in you. Rather find out the middle path of balance and moderation to achieve goals. Look at what you feel guilty about, mistakes that you feel you’ve made in your past. Then forgive yourself, and let them go. This can be applied for shopping passion too; you can make fantastic choices by mixing and matching formula for your summer collection.


Tarot Card: 3 Pentacles

More work, more responsibilities are on the cards. Today is going to be hectic day for you, but does not matter as gains and more money will also flow in. You will get the rewards too. Keep a positive attitude, keep plugging along, and the rewards will come. Things are looking up. If you’re unattached and looking for love, you are likely to meet someone through your work, may be your work associate you have not paid attention. keep your eyes open!


Tarot Card: 5 Wands

You should be prepared to face competition today, if you play your cards right, you can compete successfully. Arguments, conflicts, opposition at work place could make your frustrated. Do what you can, and be honest about the situation. Life is not all about competition. Everyone needs room sometimes to just be. Give yourself this gift of time and space, and you should see and feel spiritual growth in response. Things will be better soon.


Tarot Card: Page of Swords

You have great deal of mental and physical energy today which enables you to face the challenges the day has stored for you. If you have taken job recently, other employees could feel jealous of you and try to harm you. If you’re looking for work, and facing interview today, you may need to behave with a great deal of humility in interviews to land the position you’ve been hoping for. Be cautious with contracts. Over confidence could give you a jolt.


Tarot Card: The Chariot

You will come out as a victor, of whatever difficult situation you are facing now. Your presence of mind and self confidence is high today. This is a good position for defense personnel, for whom discipline and concentration are important. Your persona is your true identity. You may have to define yourself in his new world. This new knowledge enables you to understand the rules that society places upon you. You have developed ability to manipulate these rules to get what you want.


Tarot Card: Strength

Scorpio’s physical and mental balance is fantastic today. Still there is a need to know the importance of mind over matter and to focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t want in your life. Its main point is that you have the ability to harness your thoughts and to use them for your benefits. So conquer your fears, control your impulses, and never lose patience with yourself. You might be very pleasantly surprised by how things work out.


Tarot Card: 5 Cups

Relations are the main cause of worry today. A love relationship you are in may have just ended or may be about to start the process of ending. You are probably not yet ready to move into a new relationship. Give yourself some time and space then get back out there. There is a wakeup call too, don’t feel so sad, and isolated person. Whatever happens, it happens for good. You will soon find a meaningful relationship. Your focus in life has a great deal to do with the quality of your lives and how well they work for you.


Tarot Card: 10 Wands

Share your responsibilities well. !! You may feel tired of the work, Stress may have taken a serious toll on your body, but there are things that you can do to re-build. Calm down and be sure that you are getting adequate rest and sleep. If fatigue and sleeplessness and physical problems have persisted, get treatment. Learn to manage time, manage work and manage your life. Management is the key to success.


Tarot Card: 6 Cups

A great day for Aquarians!!When your wishes and desires are getting fulfilled. You may meet an old friend or working associates and feel nostalgic. This is an excellent time for earning, and finance gains. A gift, in cash or in form of ancestral property is also on the card. A good day to hone your skill like drawing, painting, or writing, scrapbooking – whatever you of your interest and that allows a little creativity – in your personal time.


Tarot Card: 8 Wands

You may get surprise by the things are going your way today. There may be possibility that your foreign trip may get finalized or you may go on a long travel today. Your connection with other country will be in your favor and may give you financial benefits. There may be quick recovery of money, speculation, and investments done in the past are going to pay now. But you are advised not to take any hasty decision today. Have patience and stay cool.


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