Gemini – 2023 February Monthly Love Horoscope

Has your love life had you feeling a little on edge lately, Gemini? Is so, you can count on the soothing energy of the Mercury-Neptune sextile on February 6 to calm things down. Your creativity, ability to communicate, and ability to tap into your spirituality are all at peak levels now, allowing you to work through existing issues or tackle new ones with grace and ease.

On the eleventh, your smart planetary leader Mercury enters like-minded logical Aquarius and your ninth house of adventure, so there will be a strong urge to get out into the world and experience new and profound things. Bring your partner along, or if you’re single, be open to meeting interesting people on your journey. Vacation romance is the best!

The possibility of chance encounters increases during the Mercury-Jupiter sextile on the February 17, which means running into an ex or locking eyes with someone across a crowded room. It’s too soon to tell what the significance of this spontaneous meeting will be, but it should impact your love life in a positive way.

Sex can be amazing when passionate Venus hooks up with fiery Aries on the twentieth, but all take and no give can be a problem. Yes, you want to satisfy your own needs, but what about the other person? Focus on quality, not quantity.

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