Gemini 2019 November Monthly Horoscope

Gemini 2019 November Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2019: You’d love more power during the Mars-Pluto square on November 5, but something or someone is standing in your way. Avoid confrontation and power struggles as much as possible now, Gemini. No matter how frustrated you get, letting your anger get the better of you isn’t the answer.

Communications expert Mercury is retrograde during its sextile to renewing Pluto on the ninth, but you should still be able to think clearly enough to solve a major problem. Use your tech-savvy resources to get the information you want.

Mercury goes direct in Scorpio on November 20, at which time communication should become a lot easier. This is the time to start to clear up any misunderstandings you’ve had over the past few weeks. And because this sign rules regeneration, why not delete some old contacts and apps from your phone? Purging now feels good.

There’s a new moon in optimistic Sagittarius on the twenty-sixth, bringing hope that new beginnings will lead to something wonderful. Although you can’t see the future, you have an overwhelming feeling now that everything will be okay. Yes, you’ll still have your ups and downs, but sometimes the ride is more fun than reaching the destination


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