Gemini February 2023 Horoscope

Gemini February 2023 Horoscope

The sun in Aquarius lights up your sector of far horizons for some weeks, Gemini, making this a great time for travel adventures, new experiences, and holiday friendships. You’ll be eager to move out of your comfort zone and take a leap of faith. This is an excellent chance to grab opportunities that challenge you and contribute to your personal growth.

Be careful about what you say around February 5, though, because the full moon in charismatic Leo and your sector of talk and thought could coincide with a clash of opinions and perhaps an argument. You might have very emotional views about a key issue, and sparks could fly if you connect with someone who has the opposite perspective.

Inquisitive Mercury, your guiding planet, moves into Aquarius on the fifth, encouraging you to see the bigger picture. It will be easier to stand back and get your bearings. You might be fascinated by new subjects or eager to learn a new skill, and this is one of the best times to go ahead.

Are you ready to enjoy being in the limelight? The sun’s move into Pisces on February 18 puts you center stage. This is your chance to enhance your reputation, prove your worth, and promote yourself in whatever way you can.

It would help to set yourself some targets this month and make them a little out of reach. That way you’ll be on course to accomplish your goals and even exceed them. Just try to avoid letting go and going with the flow. You won’t get much done if you succumb to that.

The new moon in Pisces on the nineteenth is a call to initiate new plans, projects, and anything else that puts you on a new path. You’ll feel a surge of enthusiasm, making it difficult to resist the call to action.

And finally, cuddly Venus will be in feisty Aries as of February 20, which means the coming weeks can be a lot of fun in the social sense. Enjoy yourself!


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