Capricorn – Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon Horoscope

Capricorn: You’re focused on your sense of belonging, Capricorn. The lunar eclipse in Scorpio activates your 11th house of friendships, groups, and future hopes and dreams. A major goal you’ve been working toward may be realized, especially with a little help from your friends. Or, someone in your network may connect you with an influential person who could help bring about one of your big dreams. Separately, if drama has been brewing within one of your social circles, someone may be eclipsed out of your life, or you may be ready to address any unspoken power dynamics in your platonic relationships.

Your full moon self-care practice: Reflect on when you feel most seen and appreciated. Who are you with and what are you doing? Revisiting old hobbies and group activities that bring you joy may help to cultivate more meaningful connections in your life.

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