Capricorn – 2024 March Monthly Love Horoscope

If your take on love has been pessimistic lately, the Mercury-Neptune conjunction in romantic Pisces on March 8 reassures you that everything is going to be fine. This positive aspect replaces those negative thoughts with more hopeful ones and has you looking on the bright side once again.

A psychic Pisces new moon on the tenth reinforces optimism and gives you glimpses of the future that fill you with anticipation. Can you really trust what you see in your dreams and visions? Why not?! Your subconscious is working overtime during this insightful lunation, giving you inside information from the Universe that you can trust.

On March 21, romantic Venus meets up with your all-business home planet Saturn in idealistic Pisces, which can bring disappointment when you compare real life with the fantasy of romantic movies or the distorted glow of social media. Guess what, Capricorn? No one’s love life is perfect, despite how it looks. Remember that the next time you think yours doesn’t measure up.

The sun moves into aggressive Aries on the nineteenth, daring you to go after what you want in a “take no prisoners” kind of way. If you’re locked in a romantic competition of any kind, you have a “win at all costs” attitude. Is all fair in love and war? You say yes.

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