Mars in Gemini for Each Zodiac Sign (March 31st-May 16th)

Mars in Gemini for Each Zodiac Sign (March 31st-May 16th)

Let’s see how Mars in Gemini influences each zodiac sign, between 31st March and 16th May 2019.

Mars is a planet associated with energy, strength, aggression and impulsiveness, governing competitions, war and physical activities. When transiting the sign of Gemini, our interests become more diversified and we adapt better and faster to changes. On the other hand, there is a risk to feel scattered, so that we really need to get centred and to stay grounded.

Mars in Gemini for Aries

Aries natives should be prepared to socialize a lot, between March 31st and May 16th. They visit a lot of different places, where they meet new people – some of them may become good friends in the future. And even when they are home, they will have many visitors, both announced and unannounced. So, social skills become very important. One of them – maybe the most important for the self-confident Aries, is to know when and how much to talk about himself/herself. From time to time, is better to focus on someone else.

Mars in Gemini for Taurus

During this transit, those born under the sign of Taurus have to remember that being productive often means being busy. They will be so busy that they will constantly find themselves using meal times as times to catch up on email, phone calls, or calendar readjustments. They cannot avoid that, because they really have lot of work to do, but it is very important to accomplish all the tasks until Friday and to relax in week-end. Elsewhere, they will feel too tired.

Mars in Gemini for Gemini

Gemini is naturally kind and gentle and has great social and conversational skills, making everybody feel good. In April and the first half of May, is time for Gemini’s family members and close friends to show their gratitude and to show Geminis how much they appreciate them. Compliments coming from the heart represent a good way to do it, but some other signs of attention work better: shoulder squeezes, hugs or even gifts. So, a nice time for Gemini men and women, feeling loved and appreciated.

Mars in Gemini for Cancer

For Cancer men and women, is very important to stay focused on their goals. It is not ok to put their goals aside for other people, so a big step is to know when and how to say no. Then, always is a good idea to break big goals into smaller parts. Try creating not only weekly, but also daily goals – it will be easier to follow your progress. And another important advice: during this transit, is best for you to work on your own, not as part of a team.

Mars in Gemini for Leo

Leo has quite strange and unconventional behaviour, during this transit. The natives don’t care too much about rules, neither at work, nor in relationships. They are more interested in feeling free than in accomplishing their tasks; they prefer to tell a joke or an inconvenient truth than to be polite. So, not everybody will appreciate him, but Leos will have a lot of fun!

Mars in Gemini for Virgo

Making progress in their career must be the most important goal for Virgos, between March 31st and May 16th. Virgo is a serious worker and a good professional, but sometimes forgets that competence alone will not get you what you want. He must also be sure that management notices when he does good work. So, if your work doesn’t speak for itself, you must do it. Learn to talk about your accomplishments! Also, after a success, not rest on your laurels, but also show that you intend to keep working harder!

Mars in Gemini for Libra

Education and learning – these are the keywords for those born under the sign of Libra, during this transit. Libra has to take a test, to write an essay, to prove what he/she knows. He/she must be prepared for such situations and he/she also must be prepared to learn new skills and information. Taking classes is always a solution, but you also can teach yourself, getting the materials you need and trying to tackle them on your own. When choosing what to learn, start by improving your job-related skills. That will help you a lot.

Mars in Gemini for Scorpio

Those born under the sign of Scorpio are interested in improving finances. They already know that more work doesn’t necessarily mean more money. So, Scorpios may find some new ways to work smart, not hard. This is also a good time to make some money without working for them; being an affiliate marketer (if you are a blogger) or selling virtual property (if you are a gamer), entering contests and competitions – these are some ways to do it. Scorpios have a great imagination, so they will find many other ways.

Mars in Gemini for Sagittarius

Sagittarius succeeds to maintain his relationship healthy, during this transit. Those born under this sign are not only a spouse for their partner, but also his/her best friend. They support each other in good and bad times and they respect each other’s opinion. Natives also know how to build and maintain a great business relationship, the keyword being „honesty“. The strengths of each partner are identified and utilized at their best to achieve both partnership and individual goals.

Mars in Gemini for Capricorn

You cannot avoid stress. But what Capricorns can do is to be aware of stressful factors in their life and to manage their reactions to these factors. It is not as difficult as it sounds – only by changing certain habits you can eliminate most sources of stress in your life. For example, take a nap when you feel sleepy in the afternoon. Or listen to your favourite music and start singing – it reduces the stress (and dancing is even better). It is also important to maintain healthy eating habits. Avoid junk food and eat more fruits and veggies!

Mars in Gemini for Aquarius

Aquarius men and women need more love in their lives. If they are single, the try to find and to attract the right partner. Mars in Gemini helps them, by increasing their magnetism. So, don’t stay alone at home – go out and meet people, because one of them may be the One! On the other hand, Aquarius men and women already involved in long-term relationship also need more passion. The first step is to have fun with their partner – couples who laugh together last together. Then, find ways to reintroduce intimacy into your couple – some kisses, touches and compliments will awaken your imagination.

Mars in Gemini for Pisces

Between March 31st and May 16th, nothing fulfils a Pisces man or woman more than a happy family. So, there will be no problems for them to balance their work and home time. Sitting down to eat as a family at least three meals a week, taking some family walk, going in a week-end trips with the children – these are the real priorities for Pisces, during this transit. So, each one of the family members get attention, feels appreciated and loved.


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