Sagittarius – New Moon Horoscope March 21, 2023

You’re ready for more fun, Sagittarius! The new moon illuminates your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and playfulness, making this a great time to engage in activities that light you up. This is a period of creation, so if you’re a writer, artist, or creator of any other sort, spending time with your medium of choice can be fulfilling and inspiring. Overall, you could find yourself embodying a more present sense of self and releasing the need to dwell on the past or the future. This is also a romantic period, so if you’re looking for a lover or two, now’s the time to put yourself out there (or start swiping).

Your new moon self-care practice: Throw a party. You don’t need a birthday or a particular event to center it around. Just plan an event that brings your loved ones together to celebrate life for the heck of it. This is a powerful way to cultivate more joy in a world that often feels anything but joyful.

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