Virgo – 2023 November Monthly Love Horoscope

Your information-seeking leader Mercury is linked to investigative Scorpio when it opposes unpredictable Uranus on November 4, so get ready to uncover all kinds of interesting facts. And just a friendly warning: once you see it, you can’t unsee it, Virgo, so make sure you want to go down that road!

On the ninth, Mercury leaves suspicious Scorpio for fiery Sagittarius, which could result in you saying some things in the heat of the moment that you immediately want to take back. But guess what? Like we said above, once it’s out there, it’s out there, and there’s no taking it back. Living with your impulsive actions is just part of this spontaneous transit.

November 15 brings a harmonious Mercury-Venus sextile that can help you relax and not worry so much about what’s going to come out of your mouth. This charming aspect helps your words sound a lot less critical and judgmental than they actually are.

You’re ready to take the initiative during the dedicated Mars-Pluto sextile on the twenty-first, and your extra energy and stamina help you show how committed you are to making a new or existing relationship work. Just don’t get so focused on your own agenda that you don’t take the other person’s feelings into consideration.

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