Virgo – 2023 October Monthly Love Horoscope

Your smart ruler Mercury leaves your precise sign to pair up with easygoing Libra on October 4, bringing out your charming, flirty side. This communicative combo helps you stop thinking about what can go wrong and helps you focus on what might go right, which really helps lower your anxiety regarding romantic situations.

On the eighth, caring Venus enters your first house of self, so you might start to shift a lot of the focus onto your own wants and needs. It isn’t like you to be selfish, Virgo, but there’s nothing wrong with feeling indulgent and/or deserving. New beginnings are possible now, but setting a “me first” precedent might not be wise.

Newbie asteroid Juno is also linked to your first house starting on October 17, giving stability to a current or developing relationship. Be sure to pay a lot of attention to details now, because they can give you hints about whether things are going right or wrong, as well as how to fix or capitalize on them.

The twenty-first brings a lucky AF Venus-Jupiter trine that can help you do a complete 180 if things in your love life are sh*tty. The best part about this fortunate aspect? You don’t have to do a thing. Trust in the Universe and it will deliver the magic you’ve been hoping for.

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