Sagittarius 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

Sagittarius 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

YEAR OF 2020: With the north node in your opposite sign of Gemini for most of the year, relationships (romantic, platonic, and in-between) teach you your biggest life lessons in 2020. Significant others teach you a lot by mirroring back your energy and behavior—but believe it or not, Sag, it’s not all about you.

Gemini’s greatest lesson is to take interest in other people—not just as reflections of yourself, but as fascinating individuals in their own right. Whether they’re a new crush or a long-term love, there’s always more to discover about them… if you’re paying attention.

Venus graces Gemini with her presence for four months this year (April 3-August 7, retrograde May 12-June 24), drawing you together with loved ones more often for laughter and conversation. With the love goddess herself in this fun, flirtatious sign, novelty and variety are your heart’s desire. So if you’re seeing someone new during this transit, don’t be in such a rush to lock things down—keep it light, fun, and flexible. And if you’re already in a serious relationship, make plenty of time for date nights and whimsical adventures.

With Mars in Aries for the second half of the year (beginning June 27), you’ve got energy and libido to spare! Go ahead and make the first move, but try not to come on too strong, especially while Mars is retrograde (September 9-November 13). After all, Sag, confidence can be a major turn on—but only when the object of your desire feels like their desires matter too.

You’re not usually the possessive or controlling type. But this year’s conjunctions between your ruling planet Jupiter and power-hungry Pluto in Capricorn (April 4, June 29, and November 12) have the potential to bring out your jealous streak, especially if you have any underlying insecurities about a relationship.

The best thing you can do is talk it out, perhaps during Mercury’s extended stay in Cancer (May 28-August 4, retrograde June 17-July 12). Don’t be afraid to show your softer side—vulnerability is a strength, and sensitivity is sexy!


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