Scorpio July 2018 Horoscope

Scorpio July 2018 Horoscope

The best part about July for you is that Jupiter, the planet of luck and blessings, will turn direct in your sign on July 10. Jupiter has been moving retrograde, which can sometimes slightly diminish outer blessings. This is so that you can focus on your inner faith and remembering to have that attitude of gratitude for all that you already have. If you have forgotten to give thanks to the universe and have been more focused on what you lack than what you have an abundance of, you might have learned a thing or two over the last few months about appreciating what is right in front of you before moving on to greener pastures.

Now that Jupiter is direct, however, you are in a fabulous place both spiritually and physically. Any necessary attitude adjustment on your part has been integrated, making you more optimistic about your future and its potential more than ever. You should be! Jupiter in your sign is no joke, and he will provide you with expansive prospects to move forward in leaps and bounds in your personal life journey.

You’ll need to look back just a little while longer before you can take that big jump forward. Mars continues to travel retrograde in your home and family sector all month long. Combined with a Lunar Eclipse in the same area of your chart on July 27, it’s possible you will need to let go of something that is truly not serving you when it comes to your domestic life. Since Mars is involved and he’s retrograde, it might have to do with personal anger and resentments and a need to forgive someone in your family. Once you manage to do this, you’ll realize that you’re free to expand personally and make the most out of Jupiter’s exciting blessings.

Mercury will also be retrograde in your career sector from July 26 through August 19. You might be carefully re-evaluating your professional goals during this time, and it’s possible you’ll even consider an opportunity that comes back around from the past. Take your time before deciding.


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