Aries – 2022 September Monthly Love Horoscope

There’s a lot going on during the Mars-Jupiter sextile on September 1, and you love it. The busier you are, the happier you feel, which a current or potential partner appreciates. And because lucky Jupiter is linked to your fiery sign during this energetic aspect, sex is passionate and exciting albeit brief.

Romantic Venus isn’t all that comfy paired up with earthy Virgo starting on the fourth, but this less than emotional state lets you get a lot done without overanalyzing it. Your very logical and precise outlook on love might not stoke any flames of passion, but, sorry, every day can’t be spent getting busy!

On September 10, there’s a full moon in your psychic zone, so you might intuitively know exactly what your potential or current partner is thinking. Finishing each other’s sentences might be annoying, but it’s just proof that you and bae really are on the same wavelength.

The sun enters gentle Libra on the twenty-second followed by a new moon in this sweet, compromising sign three days later, subduing your temperamental tendencies and surrounding you with much more peaceful energy. You’d much rather make love than fight.

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