Leo – September 2023 Monthly Horoscope

Representatives of the zodiac sign Leo are used to being themselves, speaking sincerely, looking straight ahead, and not hiding their desires. In September, Leos will need to adopt an opposite style of behavior. They will need to become mysterious or impenetrable, depending on the situation and the mask required. Initially, the need for deception will greatly irritate them. But upon mature reflection, representatives of this sign will realize that they have been offered a good strategy for achieving their goals. For example, if we are talking about winning a woman’s heart, which kind of heroes are destined for success? Strong, wealthy, intelligent, and kind. That’s all about Leos, right? And whom among the strong and so on will the girl choose? Let’s turn to the classics: Zorro, Mister X, and Count Monte Cristo. What makes all these heroes so good? Right! They are mysterious. You want to get to know them to understand who they really are. That’s how Leos will catch their personal secret in September. Even if, with the help of feigned mystery, you just need to disguise your incompetence in a certain matter, it will work exactly as representatives of this sign need it to. Not to mention the hidden virtues that have been concealed until now. They will appear on the stage at the exact moment determined by the Lions themselves, and the opponent will be demoralized, making all goals more achievable as a result.

However, Leos will have to learn to hide their true feelings and reactions. Some may need to spend several hours in front of the mirror, while others may be satisfied with a popular book on sign language. Just don’t underestimate the potential enemy. It is quite possible that they have also read this book and will be able to see through the deception. Like any job, Lions will have to approach deceit creatively. Friends will provide excellent help and make good suggestions, even if they themselves find the idea of deceit repugnant. By the way, while discussing this topic, Lions will also have the opportunity to vent their frustrations about hypocrites. However, the simplest option is also possible. Someone from the Lions will become involved in a professional or amateur performance in September. Or they may receive an invitation to appear in a movie or advertisement.

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