Solar Eclipse New Moon August 11, 2018

Solar Eclipse New Moon August 11, 2018

A solar eclipse is just like a regular new moon where the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. Solar Eclipse August 2018 is a partial solar eclipse so most of the Sun will still be visible. The new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle.

The strongest and most important aspect in astrology is Sun conjunct Moon. It means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future. It is time to question your old habits and behaviors as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress.

New Moon August 2018 the ideal time to make a fresh start, so write your new goals down on a sheet of paper. The best time for making a new start is from the solar eclipse to the August 26 Full Moon. A new moon influence lasts for four weeks but a solar eclipse usually lasts about six months. The August 11 solar eclipse supersedes the July 12 solar eclipse. It combines with the July 27 Lunar Eclipse to form an eclipse phase that last until the January 2019 solar eclipse.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. You can expect favors, especially men and powerful people. This eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom. Increased confidence and enthusiasm will help you reach your goals in the months ahead.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom. Expect to do a lot of serious thinking in the months ahead. There will be discussions and possibly arguments about power and control issues in relationships. It will be better to carefully listen and think about your own ideas and attitudes before giving your opinion.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse increases your power to get on in life for the rest of the year. You will face less resistance from people and circumstances. Help will come from others, especially men and people in positions of authority. You should feel more confident and enthusiastic to set optimistic new goals. This is a great time for both work and play. This eclipse gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse will remain a positive influence in your life for the rest of the year. It gives power of personal expression which will help you promote yourself and reach your goals. his is an excellent time to make real progress with the things in life that mean a lot to you. This eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse in Leo marks a major new phase in your life. It is a time for your personal new year’s resolutions. You can expect an energy boost and increased vitality. This extra energy is best put to use by expressing what you want, what your goals are, and getting the ball rolling. This solar eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse will remain a positive influence in your life for the rest of the year. It gives power of personal expression which will help you promote yourself and reach your goals. So this is an excellent time to make real progress with the things in life that mean a lot to you. This eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse increases your power to get on in life for the rest of the year. You will face less resistance from people or circumstances. Help will come from others, especially men and people in positions of authority. You should feel more confident and enthusiastic to set optimistic new goals. This is a great time for both work and play. This eclipse gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom. Expect to do a lot of serious thinking in the months ahead. There will be discussions and possibly arguments about power and control issues in relationships. It will be better to carefully listen and think about your own ideas and attitudes before giving your opinion.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse brings harmonious relationships because of an inner feeling of calm and balance. You can expect favors, especially men and powerful people. This eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom. Increased confidence and enthusiasm will help you reach your goals in the months ahead.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse suggests you may need to adjust, compromise or adapt your behavior in the coming months. You can be very successful in your personal and professional life by living in a highly energized state of give and take. Subtle inner changes and flexibility will lead to success. This eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse is in your opposite Sign of Leo. This means there will be a focus on your intimate relationships and all kinds of partnerships for the rest of the year. This eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom. However, it also brings the potential for discussion and arguments about power and control issues in relationships.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Saturday’s Solar Eclipse suggests you may need to adjust, compromise or adapt your behavior in the coming months. You can be very successful in your personal and professional life by living in a highly energized state of give and take. Subtle inner changes and flexibility will lead to success. This eclipse increases your power to get on in life. It gives courage and fighting spirit, but also creative intelligence and wisdom.


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