Scorpio – Sun in Capricorn Horoscope

Be careful about what you say, Scorpio. Tone, turf, and timing will be more noticeable when the sun in Capricorn stabilizes in your third house of communication. Since Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will be in effect, you should make an effort to be clear and concise. But this could also give you food for thought about what you need in your discussions. Own your desire for more productive, empathetic conversations during the Mercury retrograde cazimi on December 22!

Financial stressors will emerge since Mercury retrograde will enter Sagittarius and your second house of money on December 23. Your financial outlook could be challenged during the rest of Mercury retrograde. If you’re willing to try something different, then you may have better luck finding more financially advantageous opportunities after Jupiter stations direct in Taurus on December 30. Afterward, the remainder of Capricorn season will refocus your attention on your conversations. You could use Mars in Capricorn to be more forthright and aggressive in your negotiations.

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