Taurus – If You Want To Find “The One” Unlearn This Love Lesson

Unlearn that you must “win” every argument with your partner.

Taurus, you’re the ultimate Earth sign. You are grounded and find peace within routine because you thrive on stability. These traits can also make you incredibly stubborn, however. You have your ways and you like to stick to them.

When it comes to relationships, this is where you tend to struggle. Because when conflict arises, you feel that you must “win” every argument with your partner in order to move past them. Even if your significant other has a point, your pride keeps you from seeing the big picture. You want to be right so badly you forget the point is to resolve the fight, not keep it going.

Fighting to win makes everyone lose, Taurus. You need to approach disagreements with the goal of resolving them, not being “right.” After all, a partnership requires compromise. You need to be willing to see things from another point of view in order for your relationships to blossom.

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