Aquarius – 2024 Winter Horoscope

Is it time to recharge your emotional batteries, Aquarius? As the sun — which oversees your love life — illuminates your 12th house of secrets and dreams on Dec. 21, you could feel the urge to retreat from the crowds to reflect on the events of the past year and how they’ve affected your heart. Whether you’re single or attached, feel free to press pause on meeting new people until you’re truly in the mood to socialize. You should be ready to come out of your shell after the excitement of the holiday season has passed.

Then, you could be blessed with a cosmic power-up when your career-ruling planet — Pluto — enters your first house of the self on Jan. 20. This nine-month transit may even function as a sort of preview into the next 20 years of your professional life. Pay attention to how you interact with people at work during this time and prepare to let go of things you can’t control. Contemplating themes of power, transformation and rebirth will help you curate the career you desire.

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