Pisces – 2024 Winter Horoscope

Friends can make practically anything fun, Pisces. You could get a first-hand reminder of this when your routine-ruling sun enters your 11th house of friendships and goals on Dec. 21. This will be a beautiful time to invite your favourite people to join you in your pursuit of health and happiness. Enjoy spicing up each other’s days with walks, workouts and other enriching activities. Teamwork will also be favoured under transit, making it easier for you to see eye-to-eye with just about anyone.

Then, when Mercury — your domestic-ruling planet — stations direct in your 10th house of career and public life on Jan. 1, you could feel called to make adjustments to your schedule to better prioritize your professional ambitions. While you often prefer to focus on others, this is the moment to redirect some energy toward achieving your vision. People will be especially ready to listen to your ideas after the messenger planet concludes his shadow period on Jan. 20. Save your most important conversations for then.

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